Chapter 20 - Pirates

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After the group had left the planet they had rendezvoused with the Crusible, the ship of the Jedi's lightsaber architect. Yoda had taken the shuttle back to Coruscant with him while Ahsoka and Ana continued to accompany the Younglings on their journey. While Ahsoka made sure the ship was the only thing out in this part of the quadrant the Younglings were in training room. They had all bonded with their crystal in almost no time and were now probably enjoying the time they had to themselves.

Ana on the other hand had now been sitting on the floor in the meditation room for hours. Her legs were crossed and her hands were resting on her knees as she made her crystal float through the air in front of her. Every now and then she would make it spin in a circle, a triangle, or any other shape she could think of, but no matter what she did or how hard she tried, the crystal didn't quiet want to bond with her.

With a frustrated moan Ana let herself fall backwards onto the floor while making her crystal float back into the palm of her hand. She briefly looked at the small piece before lowering the hand it was in, so that she was laying flat on the ground, staring at the ceiling. It wasn't long though, before the doors to the room opened and Ahsoka walked in looking for her. The girl was slightly surprised to see her friend laying on the floor for a moment, but soon saw the frustrated look on here face.

"You look unhappy" she stated, looking down at the girl. "That's because I am" Ana replied, still laying frozen on the ground. "That stubborn of a crystal?" Ahsoka asked sympathetically. "Yep, see for yourself" Ana said as she threw her crystal over to her. The togrutan examined it closely as her friend sat up with a sigh before finally getting to her feet again.

As Ana walked over to Ahsoka the togrutan once again looked up at her a little bit confused. "It looks like any other crystal to me" she said handing it back to Anabeth. "Looks can be deceiving. Trust me, once you try to get to know this crystal you won't see it like that anymore". "I suppose it's no wonder you're frustrated then" Ahsoka sympathised again as Ana put her crystal back into her pocket. "Believe me, it is no wonder at all. If it were up to me the crystal would be stored away until it was more cooperative as soon as we get back to the Temple. But unfortunately, Master Yoda told me to bond with it.

I mean, seriously, what do I need a second lightsaber for? My skill in lightsaber combat is based on knowledge, not on talent, and if there is one thing you need to weild two lightsabers then it is talent" Ana complained. "Maybe your talent is weilding two lightsabers and you just don't know because you never tried it" Ahsoka went to cheer up her fellow Padawan. "Perhaps, but I guess we won't find out until I manage to bond with my stubborn crystal" the girl joked as they finally went on their way to fetch the Younglings.

They eventually found the children in the training room where Petro was showing off some fancy lightsaber skills. Normally, Ana would have frowned upon this kind of arrogant behaviour, but right now she was in way too much of a bad mood to actually care about it. While Ahsoka introduced the Younglings to the lightsaber architect, Professor Huyang, Ana stood a little bit aside, listening and watching everything closely.

While the Younglings later started their first attempts at building their lightsaber under the guidance of Huyang and Ahsoka, Ana once again tried to bond with her kyber crystal. Her efforts weren't successful though, and she was eventually disturbed by Zatt's voice filling the room. "What's the rush, Petro?" the boy asked as Ana lowered her crystal back into her hand before looking over to the two children.

"With this lightsaber, I'm going to challange Obi-Wan Kenobi to a duel and kill Grievous" Petro proclaimed as he waved his lightsaber hilt through the air. She could hear Katooni and Ganodi giggle at his sentance as she slightly shook her head in disbelieve with a smile. Petro's behaviour was not very Jedi like, but Ana didn't really care this time as Huyang seemed to have taken this opportunity to put the boy in his place. Instead, Ana found it quiet amusing how much the Younglings seemed to idolize Obi-Wan.

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