Chapter 19 - Ilum

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Anabeth was hurrying around her room excitedly as she gathered everything to pack her bag with. She had just been assigned to acompany a group of Younglings to Ilum to get their kyber crystals together with Ahsoka. It would be her first mission without her Master as well as her first trip to Ilum, so Ana was beyond excited to be allowed to go.

After putting some clothes and a winter coat into her bag she went over to the pile of data pads next to her bed to choose the ones she wanted to take. "Will you really be needing that many?" Master Windu appeared at the door, motioning to the still considerably big amount of pads Ana was now putting into her bag. "It's a long trip to Ilum and back. I might as well use the time" she answered, closing up the backpack and picking it up.

"Are you sure you have everything?" Windu made sure as Anabeth already hurried towards the door. "Yep" she simply replied, pressing the button to open the door and waiting for her Master to catch up. "Just remember, you work together with Ahsoka, but ultimately, she has the lead on this mission. If she makes a decision you follow it" the Jedi Master reminded his Padawan as they walked towards the landing platform together. "Of course" Ana responded "You know, for beeing the second highest ranking Jedi, you sure have a tendency to worry". "One has reason to when it comes to you" he mocked, earning a pouty look from the Padawan.

When they finally reached the landing bay Windu looked at Ana for a long moment, trying to decide what to say before eventually setteling on a less traditional way of saying goodbye "I'll see you in a few days, stay away from trouble". "I'll do my best, Master" Ana responded as she turned to go and find Ahsoka on the landing platform. She eventually spotted her standing next to a shuttle, waving her over to the ship. "Are you ready to go?" the togrutan greeted her friend. Ana simply gave her a smirk as she answered "Like you even had to ask".

After the Younglings had arrives and Ahsoka had told them where they were going they all go onto the shuttle and took off. While Ahsoka was flying Ana was in the back of the ship with the Younglings, comfortably sitting on a pile of crates and leaning against them. She was pretending to read her data pad, while in reality she was closesly observing the children. There was Zatt, who was very technical, Gungi, who was a ball of energy and Byth, who appeard to be a little too focused on doing whatever the group did. Then there was also Ganodi, who liked to play thougher than she was, Katooni, who seemed to be the one who kept the group together and lastly Petro, who was way too cocky and arrogant for her liking.

For the first half an hour the children had barely seemed to take notice of Ana sitting in the corner, but now they started repeatedly glancing over at her one after the other. Sighing, Ana turned off her pad, setting it down as she pushed herself up into a sitting position, turning towards the Younglings. "I see subtlety isn't one of your strongs points" she joked as the children looked at her a little surpised "Is there something I can help you with?".

The room was quiet for a good few seconds as Ana waited for the children to muster up the courage to talk to her. "We were just wondering if... Is it true that you shouted at Master Windu and accused him of beeing a bad Master in front of everyone?" Katooni stepped foreward slightly, but didn't get too close like she was afraid that she would lash out at her. Ana smiled to herself, letting out a slight laugh as she thought back to that moment "I did".

"That is so cool" the rodean named Ganodi commented as the Youngling's eyes lit up in amazement. "I suppose it was, but don't get any ideas of doing the same any time soon" Ana said as she got off her crate. "You're welcome to sit down as well" she invited the amazed Younglings over as she proceeded to sit down on the floor. The children excitedly rushed over and formed a circle, except for Petro who hestited for a moment before walking to take his place.

"Is it also true that you are one of the Council's favourite Padawans?" Zatt asked excidetly. At this assumption Ana was a little more surprised. "This would be the first I heard of it, but I don't think that's true. I argue way too much for that" Ana explained. Ganodi, however, started to argue about it with her "That's exactly why they like you. You aren't the standard by the book Padawan like so many others. It makes you stand out".

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