Chapter 10 - Masters and Padawans

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Ahsoka followed closely behind Ana as they once again entered the Council Chamber. However, while Anabeth continued walking into the middle of the room Ahsoka was held back by Anakin who grabbed her by the arm and shook his head. She raised her eyebrow at him in curiosity as she moved to stand beside him and Master Drallig to watch what was about to happen.

Ana looked back to the door where Anakin held onto Ahsoka's arm as she felt sightly uncomfortable standing in the middle of the room on her own. When she once again turned around her eyes met those of Master Yoda. "Like to stay in the Temple would you?" the Grandmaster asked her carefully. "I guess so, I have nowhere else to go really" she answered, slightly confused about what he was onto. "My question that was not. Irrelevant it is if you have somewhere to go to or not. Know if you wish to stay I want to" Yoda pushed for a correct answer. "Yes, I would very much like to stay" Ana finally admitted, making Yoda smile slightly.

"Anabeth Velar, accept you into the Jedi Order we do. Granting you the rank of Padawan we are. Master Windu's apprentice you shall be". Anabeth was rendered speechless for a moment. She looked at Windu who met her gaze with his own. There was something about his look that seemed like he was challenging her to something. "Me? A Padawan? I'm sorry, but I am not Jedi material" Ana once again turned to Yoda.

"Wrong about that you are. But matter it does not. A new beginning we are offering you. Take this opportunity you should" the Jedi Master explained. Anabeth's eyes once again drifted off to Windu who looked like he was trying to meet her coldness with his own. Perhaps the two of them had more in common than she had previously thought. "Fine" she spoke looking Master Windu dead in the eyes. "A wise choice you made, Padawan Velar" Yoda interrupted the starring contest with a satisfied grin on his face.

As she broke her gaze away from Windu Ana looked over to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka who were both smiling at her proudly. Ana didn't exactly know why yet, but she suddenly really liked the way the words 'Padawan Velar' had sounded when Yoda had said them. She was a Padawan now, and even if her Master was Windu it still sounded a whole lot better than the life she had back on Gandri.

"Padawan Tano, why don't you help Padawan Velar get a comlink and some proper clothes? You can drop her off at my quaters afterwards" Mace suggested to the girls. "I'm sure she'd love to Master Windu" Ana was quick to reply, stressing the 'Master Windu' part as a way of scolding him for calling her Padawan Velar instead of Anabeth. The two Padawans quickly bowed and left the room as the Jedi Masters tried to hold back their laughter.

The second the girls were outside both Anakin and Master Billaba weren't able to hold back anymore as their laughs filled the room. "I think you've met your match Windu" Anakin said making Master Gallia, Fisto, Ti, Drallig and Obi-Wan join their laughing fit. "You two have more in common than you think Mace" Billaba continued in between laughs. "You're both too stubborn for your own good".

As the laughter slowly subsided Master Yoda concluded the meeting. "Prepare to teach your new Padawan you should Master Windu" the Grandmaster said, stressing the 'Master Windu' the same way Ana had done only a few moments ago. The whole room errupted in laughter again as it seemed that even Yoda had been amused by Anabeth's behaviour. The girl was well on the way to becoming one of the Council's favourite Padawans and she didn't even know it.

*•*• Meanwhile with Anabeth •*•*

"I can't believe they made you a Padawan" Ahsoka squealed excitedly. "I know, I really wasn't expecting it" Ana replied, a lot less excited than the togrutan. "I remeber my Master telling me how hard it was to get him into the Order when he was already considered too old. And he was only nine back then. I honestly can't believe they let you join this easily" the younger girl continued her rant. "If you disregard a rule once you will most likely disregard it again in the future. Is't that how it works?" Anabeth tried to get her to calm down. "I suppose you're right" Ahsoka replied, realizing that she'd soon be attracting unwanted attention if she didn't try to be more quiet.

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