Chapter 5 - Healing

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Shortly after Obi-Wan had left the room the tolothian woman that Anabeth had met briefly after her outburst when she first woke up entered the room. She visibly started to tense up again, remebering the feeling of the needle the woman had put in her arm. Ahsoka was sure that if looks could kill Master Allie would be nothing more than a pile of dust on the floor by now. Knowing that this was going to end badly if she would just sit back and do nothing, she looked at the Jedi Master, urging her to gently introduce herself before doing anything else.

"Hello, I'm Master Stass Allie. I know we've not been off to a great start and I'm sorry, but I can promise you that I won't give you another injection if you don't want to" Stass introduced herself, a warm smile on her face. Anabeth looked at her intently as she tried to figure out whether the woman was sincere or not. While the force blocker in her bloodstream made it impossible for the Jedi to get any readings of her, it worked the same the other way round, forcing her her to come to the conclusion that she had no way of knowing the woman's intentions. She would simply have to trust her, something that didn't sit well with her in the slightest.

"I'm Anabeth Velar" she finally told the woman, the cold look not leaving her eyes for even a second. "How are you feeling?" Master Allie asked, her voice full of concern for the girl. Anabeth once again went quiet. She felt horrible, but she was not about to admit that to the Jedi. "Fine" she decided to lie as she knew they were not going to pick up on it. Master Allie grabbed scanner and took a step towards her bed. Out of caution Anabeth adjusted her position so that she would be able to get out of bed quickly incase they tried to inject her with something against her will again.

Allie pointed the scanner at the girl, not daring to take another step closer. Once the scan was complete she went over to the console again to go through the results. "Well, it looks like you got lucky. The cuts we had to make on your neck are healing up and you will have no lasting brain damage. However, you still have a fever and I want you to stay in bed until it passes. I'll check on you every few hours if that's okay for you" the healer informed her. The girl simply nodded her head in agreement, immediately regretting it as it made the pain in her head worse. She flinched a little, alerting both Ahsoka and Master Allie to the discomfort she was in.

"How about I give you something for the pain" Allie suggested, slightly alarmed by girl's determination to hide her weakness from them. It seemed they still had a long way to go until she would actually start trusting them. "Alright" Anabeth accepted the offer. Allie got an injection ready and the girl let her get close and put the needle in her arm without complaining this time. It looked like the pain was bothering her more than she distrusted them, the first good sign Master Allie had seen since the girl was brought in a few hours ago.

"How long will it still take for the force blocker to wear off?" Anabeth finally found her voice again, building up the courage to properly talk to the healer. "Your body is still recovering so it'll take a little longer than usual. I'd estimate about four to five hours" Stass explained to her. "You won't give me another one, right?" she asked, the discomfort of beeing cut off from the force starting to get to her. "I hope not. I usually don't like to use them on my patients, but if Master Yoda deems it necessary in your case I won't be protesting. I can promise that I'll advice against it though" Allie told the girl.

"I'd appreciate it" Anabeth responeded with a slight bow of her head that was almost respectful, if it hadn't been for her cold, emotionless eyes that never shifted their gaze away from the Jedi Master. However, it was still the closest she had gotten to a thank you up until this point. As Master Allie left the room Ahsoka thanked the woman with bow before turning her attention back towards Anabeth.

"So, I know you probably don't want to talk about anything personal, which is fine by me, but I am curious about how old you are" Ahsoka decided it was time for her to make some light conversation with Anabeth. Her distant brown eyes met Ahsoka's blue ones as she responded "I turned sixteen a little over a month ago". "Hang on, that means your older than me! I turned sixteen about a week ago" Ahsoka realized, almost getting excited about the fact that they were close in age as she was optimistic that it would make her job a lot easier.

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