Chapter 24 - No Going Back Now

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Once the ship finally landed on Mandalore Ana waited until she was sure that Obi-Wan was off the ship before crawling out of her hiding place. She was barely surprised to find a knocked out Mandalorian without his armour behind some crates. She figured Obi-Wan had probably put on the armour as a disguise. Ana couldn't help but imagine what an ironic sight a Jedi in Mandalorian armour would be. Deep down, she hoped she would get to see it.

Anabeth quickly went to the cockpit to look out onto the landing platform to see what she would be working with. There was a surpisingly low number of guards wich would be easy ro sneek past for her. It was almost like they wanted to let her through their defenses.

As she began to formulate a plan of where to go she went back to the cargo hold to finally exit the ship. However, she was greeted by three Mandalorian soldier as soon as she entered the hold. Ana took a surprised step back as she ignited her lightsaber and the Mandalorians got out their blasters. "Just my luck" she commented sarcastically as she waited for them to attack her.

"Anabeth Velar?" the woman who appeared to be the leader of the group asked questioningly. "Who's asking?" Ana responded a little puzzled. "Lady Bo-Katan. Korkie told us you might be coming" the woman replied as she signaled the other two soldiers to put down their blasters. "We're friends of Satine" the woman continued to explain "You should come us".

"How do I know you're not just going to deliver me to Viszla?" Ana asked sceptically. "Because Viszla is dead" the woman answered bitterly as she took off her helmet. "He was killed by Maul". "Maul?!" Ana gasped in shock. She felt like fainting as she deactivated her lightsaber. "It's a trap!" she began to panic. "The whole rescue mission is a trap!" she tried to run out onto the platform but was held back by Bo.

This was the reason there were so few guards out on the landing platform. Maul wanted Obi-Wan to come and rescue Satine so that he could capture him. He was probably already aware of his presence here and Obi-Wan had no idea. "Let me go, I need to help them!" Ana struggled against Bo's grip. "Hey! You're going to get yourself killed if you don't calm down!" the woman simply tighened her grip and pushed her back to sit down on one of the crates.

Ana took a deep breaths as Bo slowly let go of her arm once she began to relax again. "Satine didn't say anything about Maul in the message she sent us. Obi-Wan is walking right into a trap and he doesn't even know it" Ana began to explain the problem to her. "And you'd be walking into that same trap if you went to help them" Bo said.

"Not likely" Ana pointed out. "For all Obi-Wan and knows I'm still on Coruscant. As for Maul, he's under the impression that I've been dead for years now". "How's that?" Bo asked curiously. Ana told her the story of her history with Maul and how she got to joining the Jedi. Bo was slightly surprised, but it seemed like she believed her.

"Now, you tell me what your full story is and what the situation is here. I want to know whom and what I'll be working with if I agree to come with you" Ana demanded. She listened carefully as Bo began to tell her the story of what had transpired on Mandalore and how she was Satine's sister.

"Our scouts are reporting incomming from the north. The Duchess and that Jedi are on their way, followed by Maul" one of the other two Mandalorians cut in right as Bo finished her story. "We have to get out of here. Ana, time's up. Are you coming or not?" Bo asked as she put on her helmet again.

"How close are Maul and his forces to them?" Ana asked, still undecided. "Too close for them to take off. They'll be captured again for sure" one of the Mandalorians said. "Fine, I'm coming with you" Ana made up her mind. She followed the three Mandalorians as they snuck out of the ship and ran to the side of the platform. "Hang on" Bo instructed Ana as she extended her hand for her to take. With a nodd she held on tight as the three Mandalorians activated their jet packs and flew to the top of the roofs.

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