Chapter 8 - Over The Edge

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Upon leaving the Council Chambers Ahsoka immediately spotted the distraught Anabeth, leaning onto a wall. "Are you alright?" she asked her full of concern. "Those people are just..." Anabeth stopped herself, grunting in frustration at the Council's behaviour. "I know, they can be difficult" Ahsoka gave her a sympathetic smile. "So, what's the plan now?" Ana asked, trying to regain her composure, yet failing at it. "Do you know how to fight someone?" Ahsoka asked. "What?" Ana gave her a confused look.

"I thought a sparring session might help get your mind off what happened in there. Now do you?" Ahsoka specified, hoping her answer would be yes. "As a matter of fact, I do" Ana replied. "Hand to hand or swords?" Ahsoka was curious as she and Ana started making their way towards the training room. "Both" the girl smirked slightly, entering the elevator. Ahsoka hadn't expected her answer, but she welcomed it anyway. It would be much easier and less dangerous if they didn't actually have use hand to hand combat which she very much appreciated.

When the two teenagers arrived at training room four there was thankfully only a Youngling class under the supervision of Master Barek in the room. As Ana leaned against the wall Ahsoka went over to them to talk to the Jedi Master and retrieve two wooden swords for them. Anabeth watched as Master Barek signaled the Younglings, who couldn't have been older than eight, to stop training the minute he noticed the two of them.

"Good day Master Barek" Ahsoka greeted the Jedi Master as she approched him. "Good day Ahsoka" he returned the greeting, looking at the Younglings to urge them to greet her aswell. "Hello Padawan Tano" the children spoke in union before turning their attention towards the over side of the room where Anabeth stood. They were probably just curious, but their looks were making Ana uncomfortable so she tried appear more intimidating through both her body language aswell as the force. She had learned how to do this in the past and was suddenly eager to use it to her advantage now.

Her strategy seemed to have worked as the Younglings moved their gazes away from her and look at each other uncomfortably and slightly scared. Ana's moment of triumph was short however, as both Ahsoka and Master Barek briefly turned to look at her now, shocked expressions on their faces as they too sensed what Ana was doing. Different to the Younglings however, they knew what it was and how to ignore it. "How does that girl know how to do this?" Barek asked Ahsoka as he tried to figure out what to do. "I don't know, we're not at the stage where we really understand her yet" Ahsoka admitted, panicking as she pushed the children to line them up.

"I'm going to get the children out of here, will you be alright handeling her?" Master Barek asked as he collected the Youngling's wooden swords and handed them off to Ahsoka. "Don't worry, I'll have this under control in no time. Just go and make sure that they are taken care of" Ahsoka replied, motioning to the Younglings before turning around and sprinting towards Ana.

As Anabeth watched the Youngling class leave in a hurry she immediately realized that she shouldn't have done what she just did. She was only proven right when Ahsoka started raising her voice at her the second the group was out of the room. "What do you think you're doing?! You were scaring those poor children to death!" she scolded the girl as she made her way across the room.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. I didn't like the way they were all staring at me. I just couldn't stop myself" Ana apologized, slowly coming back to her senses. "Don't apologize to me, apologize to those poor Younglings. Do you even understand what you were doing?" Ahsoka was relived as she noticed her Master and the Council take seats in the spectator booth. "Only partly" Ana lied, currently not wanting to have this conversation.

Seen as the Jedi Masters had now arrived Ahsoka didn't see a point in prolonging the conversation either, especially taking into account the fact that Master Kenobi was much more qualified to talk this through with Ana than she was. "Alright then, how about we go back to what we actually came here for" she suggested, putting aside all but two of the wodden swords as well as her lightsabers, as she would only be risking impaling herself with them if she kept them on her belt.

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