Chapter 3 - The Halls Of Healing

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Time seemed to go by slower than usual as Obi-Wan and Ahsoka sat at the girl's bed, waiting for her to wake up. They sat in silence, both of them too deep in thought to talk to each other. The whirlwind of emotions that had been radiating off the girl when they first entered the room was lessening, a clear sign that she was regaining her strength and getting ever closer to waking up.

The two Jedi shot up when they noticed the girl starting stir as her eyes slowly flustered open. They both put on the most convincing smile they could at that moment, hoping that beeing friendly would help keep the girl grounded. If only they had known how wrong they were.

The girl sat up in the bed she had been put in, pain shooting through her that originated in her neck. She gasped, her hand reaching for her neck, only to notice two bandages that were covering part of it. As her head began to hurt she looked around the room, noticing a togrutan girl around her age and the man that had followed her through the streets to her home.

"Where am I?" she asked, fear, anger and distress in her voice as her heartrate started to pick up. "You're on Coruscant, in the Jedi Temple" Obi-Wan told her as calmly as he could. "Jedi!" she snarled, a strange mix of anger and fear now radiating off her. The girl untangled herself from the bedsheets, trying to get up faster than either Jedi had anticipated. Ahsoka, beeing the closest, grabbed her arm to stop her. "Relax, we're not..." she started, the girl's expression turning into an evil glare as she raised her free arm into the air.

She sent Ahsoka flying backwards to the other end of the room. The windows started to crack, not beeing able to withstand the powerful force push the girl had just performed. Obi-Wan's eyes widened and his mouth fell open as he stared at the girl who for some reason was now frozen in place, her face filled panic.

Clearly having heard Ahsoka hitting the wall, closely followed by the glass cracking, Master Allie came running into the room. By the look Obi-Wan was giving her she thought it best to put the distressed girl back to sleep as she grabbed an injection. The girl was taking steps away from her until she was backed up against the window she had almost shattered a moment ago. She threw Master Allie one last angry, paniced glare as she felt the needle in her arm before passing out again.

Obi-Wan let out the breath he was holding as he made his way to Ahsoka to check on her while Allie put the girl back into bed. He streched out a hand to help Ahsoka up who gladly took it, giving the Master a nervous smile. By now Anakin, Mace and Yoda had also reached the room, looking around puzzled. "Are you okay?" Anakin decided to asked Ahsoka who was rubbing her shoulder, slightly grunting in pain. "I'll live" she responded sarcastically, although it was clear she was still trying to process what had just happened.

"What happened here?" Master Windu asked, looking at Obi-Wan for an explaination. "It seems we'll have to add force push to the list of abilities she somehow posesses" the Jedi Master answered. "She was doing fine when she woke up, but from the moment she found out she was here it only went down hill" he explained further, looking at the group who seemed to be just as displeased and concerned with the situation as he was.

"We don't know what else she may be able to do. Under these circumstances I'd like to suggest that we inject her with a force blocker for now. It's a short term medicine, so she would only experience the effects for a few hours. If necessary we could give her another dosage when the first one wears out. However, I'd like to stress that, especially in her recovering state, it is only a short term solution" Master Allie suggested. The idea of stealing someone's ability to use the force did not sit too well with any of them, but it seemed that they had no choice if they wanted to keep the girl in check without putting her in a cell.

"Authorize the usage just this once I do. Check her midichlorian count we should also. Curious to how high it is I am" Yoda agreed to Allie's request. "Of course Master, should I wake her up after that?" the healer asked. "Yes, try talking to her again Master Kenobi and Padawan Tano should" Yoda responded as Stass was already taking a sample of the girl's blood. "Do you still feel up to it Snips?" Anakin joined in the conversation, concerned about the effects this particular asignment may have on his still fairly young Padawan. "Don't worry, this wasn't the first time was force pushed into a wall" she assureed him, though she couldn't deny that she felt slightly uneasy. "Alright, just be mindful and listen to Obi-Wan" Anakin reminded her.

"The girl keeps getting better and better" Stass Allie suddenly said from the console she was standing at, the disbelief in her voice as clear a crystal. "I ran the analysis of her blood three times, but the results are the same very time. She has a midichlorian count of 16,700". Everyone's eyes widened and even Master Yoda's mouth almost fell to the floor. "That can't be" Mace Windu blurted out. "16,700 is an extremely high count" Obi-Wan supported the Jedi Master. "Try taking a new blood sample and run the analysis again" Master Windu insisted.

The group of Jedi waited while sharing uneasy glances as Master Allie took another blood sample. They all watched as she ran the analysis and even double checked it again. However, the results were the same. "How could we have missed her as a child with a midichlorian count that high?" Windu asked, clearly confused and still in disbelief over the results. "She really does keep getting better and better" Anakin agreed with Stass Allie.

"Perhaps, wake the girl up we should. A feeling I have that explain everything she can. Convince her to trust us is all we have to do. Leave that task in your hands I will, Obi-Wan and Padawan Tano" Yoda decided their course of action. The Jedi all nodded in agreement, Windu, Anakin and Yoda sitting down outside of the girl's room again while Obi-Wan and Ahsoka went back inside with Master Allie.

Taking their respective seats Obi-Wan and Ahsoka watched as Stass took two more injections, one was the force blocker, while the other was the one to wake the girl up. She placed the injections in the girl's arm before turning to her fellow Jedi. "She should be waking up within the next few minutes. If something happens just call me, I'll be right outside with the others" she assured Obi-Wan and Ahsoka before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Obi-Wan looked at Ahsoka who was still slightly rubbing her shoulder. She seemed a little nervous now, not that he could blame her after getting thrown into the wall for trying to help. He gave her an apologetic smile before turning his attention to the girl who was starting to stir once again. He couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten himself into, knowing that this girl was going to be his responsibility for at least the next week and having a feeling that she was going to continue to cause trouble.

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