Chapter 2

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This chapter is well, a chapter. At the mo' I'm multitasking. Trying to play Plants Vs Zombies as well as write. (It's not going that great. ) It's a good game. However this chapter should roughly be as long as the last one. Hopefully! Want to know what happens? Well, just read on... 


Chapter 2

Well, wasn't it obvious? She was probably a Half-Faye.

The words were ringing in my head.

I soon as Derick said those words I froze. If Millie knew my secret would she torture me too?

"A Half-Faye?" I repeated under my breath, remaining still on the sidewalk.

Derick had stopped too, "Are you okay? Did you drop something?"

"No, I am fine," I lied.

I had almost given away myself away again. I was starting to get a too bit careless with this Half-Faye thing.

"Okay then." He said, then turning down another street he said goodbye, and left me.

I just stood motionless at the spot where he left the footpath in a daze. Then I heard running and panting from behind me, and thinking that it was Millie again I turned around with full force, ready to punch her face in.

Instead it was Sam.

"Good I caught up to you, I need to..." she puffed, before her eyes went wide, "Oh my god! Why the hell are you bleeding?"

And as if just to prove Sam's point a fine trickle came down my neck from the back of my head. It was really red in contrast to my pale skin.

Not sure of what to say, I placed my hand on the back of my head. It was wet. After pulling my hand back I could see the blood coating my fingers.

"Yeah I guess I am bleeding." I said, feeling faint.

"I gotta get you home" Sam said, eyes still wide.

I did not protest but wondered how going home would help. My dad would be at work, and my step mum, well she didn't care about me. I was slightly annoyed that derrick didn’t bother mentioning it either.

Sam had to half drag-half push me down the footpath and it was already getting dark by the time we reached the door of my house. I felt ready to collapse onto the doormat.

Almost frantically, Sam started pounding on the door with her fists, trying to get someone to let us in.

After five minutes my step mother opened the door and gazed at us, eyes full of dislike. I could tell we had disturbed her from whatever she was doing and she was not happy.

"You are bleeding Florence." She said very matter-of-factly.

"Can you let us in?" Sam urged, trying to squeeze past the woman in the doorway and pull me through with her.

"Maybe." she replied with malice, blocking the doorway.

My step mum was looking at me strangely, probably trying to figure out how badly I was injured. If was about to faint and she left me outside, she would have to deal with my father. If it was a scratch, well it was only a scratch.

Then deeming me ill, she flattened herself against the door frame and allowed us in.

"How did you get hurt?" She asked, being her usual nosy self. She wouldn’t care if I was about to pass our or even vomit.

"Your daughter Millie," I said putting much emphasis on my step sisters’ name, "attacked me."

Susan, my step mum, just roared with laughter, as I went to sit on the couch. I could see Sam's shocked expression, I probably should have told her before hand.

"My little Millie wouldn't hurt a fly." she said, and then gave Sam a stare as if saying; don't saying anything if you want to leave this house alive.

"Here you go Flo," Sam said handing me an envelope, "See you at school."

She practically flew out the door.


Whew... That's two chapters! What do you think? Please continue to read my works, comment and vote!

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