Ch 24: Shopping

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"And when I told him, I was going away I just started crying, I dont want to hurt him, I dont know what to do" I layed on my bed.

"But, I mean you really want to go, right" daniel said.

"Yeah but- oh I dont know" I layed on my side. He looked at me and sighed.

"Just let him cool off" daniel said.

"Prom is on Wednesday daniel!" I sighed and fell down. "You going with ali?" I asked.

"Yeah, shes all excited about it" he rolled his eyes. "Havent even got myself a tux yet".

"Shit" I said. "I havent even got my dress yet". I looked up at him he looked at me. I smiled.

"Oh please dont tell me you wanna go shopping with me" he rolled his eyes.

"Come on it'll be quick and fun" I said. "Please". He looked at me.

"Okay, okay" he said. I jumped up and hugge him. "Easy, easy still sore from the tournament". I laughed.

Daniel drove me and him to the mall. Which was packed out by teens everywhere.

"Maybe everyone's getting ready for prom too" I said. I saw this dress shop that looked pretty nice. I walked in daniel following. Everything was pink and super expensive. I coudnt afford anything in here.

"Uh maybe we came to the wrong place" daniel said. "700 dollars for a tux?". I nodded.

We drove and drove for what seemed like hour after hour. I looked out his moms car window. My head leaned on the side. I sighed of boredom. But I saw it. The one.

"Daniel stop!" I jumped. He swerved a little.

"Shit eva what is it!" He said shocked.

"Turn into this plaza" I said and pinted out my window
He sighed and did as so. He stopped the car and I jumped out. It was a small thrift shop. But this dress was the one and I needed it.

"Come on" I smiled and walked in. A lady stood there reading a book. "Excuse me can I see that dress in the window please". I said. She smiled and got up. She reached for it and pulled the hanger of the wire. She handed it to me.

"Beautiful ain't it" she said. "I wore it to my prom in 71". I smiled at it. "Wanna try it on?" She said. I nodded. She showed me the dressing room. I changed into it. I turned and saw myself in the mirror. I sighed at how beautiful I looked. I truly felt beautiful. I opened the door and looked up at daniel who sat on a chair cursing under his breath. He saw me and shut up.

"Wow" he said. "Eva you look nice".

"Right?" I said.

"You goona get it?" He asked. I nodded.

"I have too, it's to nice to pass up" I said.
I eventually changed and headed to the counter.

"Okay the total is 25 dollars" she said. I handed her a 20. I dug tr through my pockets for a 5. Why does this always happen to me?

"You know what I actually got a five with me" Daniel pulled out a five dollar bill. 

"thank you Daniel" I smiled and hugged him. 

"its no problem" he said.

"What a true friend you are Daniel" I said and laughed. He smirked.

"Yeah well I dont have many friends" he said. "So consider yourself lucky".

♡Tough Love- Johnny Lawrence/ Fanfic♡Where stories live. Discover now