17) the dark start

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2d slipped  aimlessly on the tile floor, head knocking into tub with a loud thunk as his feet gave way and he blindly flailed his arms.

He cried quietly at the large bump forming but no one was here to hear him nor what happened. So as the pain got all the more intense he clutched his head and let out a wail that made him pass out.


When he woke he was greeted with unsettling darkness and voices.

Why couldn't he open his eyes? Where was he?

Is this Hell?

"2d?" Murdoc's voice wavered and he felt gentle hands clasp around his own.

"M-murdoc? Where-?"

"We're at the hospital." Murdoc's voice cracked a bit and he had to cough to cover it up.

Oh. And oh, did he realize now. The sadness creeping uncharacteristically in Murdoc's voice, how he was awake but couldn't see.

He went blind.


He could hear a door open and shut he instantly knew who it was by the cheap perfume because no one allowed her to wear anything else.

"Hey, Noods." Her quick clatter of heels rushed over and he could feel clammy skin latch onto his own as he was embraced. "I-is it true? A-are you-"
"Noodle. He doesn't know. Not yet."
Oh but he did. He so did. His eyes were open weren't they?  It was his own body wasn't it? He could feel but couldn't see and how awful it was.

He just wanted to cry but he didn't want to scare Noodle.

He could hear the door creak open and two pairs of feet shuffle in. "Noodle come on, we can't just invade them like this. The doctor wants to tell them."


"Noodle. Now."

He felt Noodle unlatch herself and 2d wanted to make grabby hands for her return but Murdoc hugged him instead.

"Murdoc already knows," a soft kind woman's voice filled the room making 2d jump a little. "But Stuart, you are blind."

2d broke down in breath taking sobs which he knew Noodle could hear because all he could hear was her shrill hysterical crying sobs.

The fact of being blind didn't scare him. The fact of not seeing sheet music or sunsets or Noodle's bright cheery face scared him. He couldn't live without those. An intense anger bloomed in his chest suddenly, why didn't he go blind the second or first time Murdoc knocked his eyes out? Or threw him down the stairs? Why now?

Why did he have to lose his sight when things were finally getting patched up between them? It'd be like being in a coma again, just numb. He'd probably spend the rest of his days in bed wishing for death.

It's one thing growing up blind but another for it to happen suddenly.

He flinched when a cold hand touched his shoulder and ripped it off. "Get away from me yew bastard! I hate you!" He could feel the bed lighten as somebody got off, a heated breath then a slam of a door. Good, he hoped he never came back. The doctor went to go to speak to 2d but he rolled over and shut her out. If God decided to take pity on his soul he'd do it now. This wasn't fair.

He was bestowed with a guiding stick and was advised to get a dog to help him. He barely responded to anyone, just let Noodle latch onto his arm and lead him through the hospital. He'd have to read brail and bump into everyone and everything before learning how to maneuver his body to avoid that. Every time Noodle let him go he hurriedly reached out for her. He couldn't lose her.

He knew it scared her but it scared him far more. He could feel Russel slowly walking behind them and talking off Murdoc's ear quietly. He wanted to cry and scream so bad but he wouldn't let himself, he'd occasionally sniffle or tear up but that was the extent of it. He felt oddly comforted by Noodle's reassurance. "It's gonna be okay 2d. I'm sure it's only temporary. Even if its not we'll work on making everything suitable for you, okay?"
"Mean it! Smile for me! Pleasee!"
He offered up a sheepish smile that turned more genuine when he was engulfed with her small body.

"Nobody is gonna leave you because you're blind toochie. We'll get through this." He fisted up the back of her shirt as he leaned down to hug her properly and sob into her neck.
He was startled when two big arms scooped them up and squeezed. Noodle laughed and tried wriggling out of Russel's grip. "Russ! Put us downn!"

Murdoc stood far away shuffling his feet and keeping his hands in his pockets. 2d always looked so much happier with Russel and Noodle, maybe he should give him that opportunity of happiness without him.

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