14) lovers breakfast

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2d woke up sticky from sweat due to thier bodies geting pressed together during the night and the heavy duvet.

2d sat up and attempted to pull himself out the bed but was anchored down by Murdoc's arms which were latched to him like a pair of handcuffs. He turned around to look at the man and see if he was really asleep or just faking. He was asleep.

He sighed and pried Murdoc's arms off him and slid off the bed careful not to wake him. He had a surprise hatching in his head.

He trotted down the stairs rubbing at a crick in his neck, cringing in pain. He opened the cabinet rolling his head around as if that'd get it stop. He huffed in annoyance not finding what he wanted and opened the other cabinets.


He hummed as he stirred and poured the pale yellow liquid substance into a pan and dropped a few slices of meat in another.

It wound up a bit burnt but he felt like he had achieved an goal. He put jelly and butter on the tray bringing it up the stairs silently.

Murdoc was still passed out, he looked like he was having the best dream ever, it broke 2d's heart a little that he had to wake him up.

He set the tray on a chair and shook Murdoc softly. His eyes fluttered open and looked at him. Murdoc sat up stretching and yawning as 2d turned to the chair and set the tray in his lap.

Murdoc gave him an inquisitive look poking the eggs with his fork. "They're burnt." He glanced at 2d who was smiling ear to ear and felt like he shouldn't hurt his feelings and put a forkful in his mouth. They were surprisingly good. 2d grinned.


2d hugged him getting off the bed to go get his plate as Murdoc continued to eat his.

2d came back tripping over a shoe and almost sent his plate flying but caught it in time. Murdoc laughed at him and got up. He took the plate from 2d and guided him to the bed.

"Yer so good to me. How many dishes?"

2d held up a few fingers as he stuffed his toast in his mouth.

"Slow down, I'll get it." He kissed 2d's head and sauntered off.

Murdoc pursed his lips together at the mess, there wasn't a whole bunch of dishes but there was a mess of egg yolks, milk , breadcrumbs, bacon grease and the egg pan had a layer of burnt black flaky eggs.

Murdoc opened the fridge to look at how many eggs he used.

There was two left when they just bought it a week ago.

He sighed and put the dishes in the sink as he scrubbed the grease away.

2d's thin arms wrapped around his midsection as he pressed a kiss to his neck. Murdoc pulled his soapy hands out the sink smirking. "Hey."


He turned around and kissed 2d on his cheek making him smile stupidly.

"Want some help?" He pointed to the sink cracking a goofy smirk at Murdoc's bangs wrapped in a hair tie.


"Like yer unicorn horn."

"Shaddup or I'll give ya one."

2d laughed and hip butted Murdoc as he reached for the dish soap.


They plopped into a chair panting and wiping sweat from thier foreheads. Instead of just cleaning the breakfast mess they wound up doing the whole kitchen. Every nook and cranny was polished clean.

"Probably my second favorite workout." Murdoc huffed.

"What's yer first?"

Murdoc raised an eyebrow at him and licked his lips looking at 2d's waist seductively. 2d blushed and shot to his feet. "O-oh!"

"I was just playing!" Murdoc leaped up and pulled 2d into a hug peppering kisses across his face. 2d giggled as Murdoc's stubble brushed along his face tickling him.

"Yew should shave." He ran his finger over Murdoc's upper lip.

"But I like making ya laugh."

"Yew can do that either way."

"Fine. Come on." He grabbed 2d's wrist trudging up the stairs before he could protest.

2d shyly took his clothes off as Murdoc undressed and turned the shower on. He kept his head straight forward to not make him more embarrassed. He let 2d in first then slid in behind him.
2d cupped the water in his hands as it fell then splashed it on his face. Murdoc grabbed the soap running it on 2d's shoulder blades. He shivered the lower his hand coasted as it worked the soap on his back. 2d turned around taking the soap from Murdoc and giving him the same treatment. They met face to face and kissed softly. 2d tangled his fingers in Murdoc's wet hair as Murdoc deepened the kiss and probed his lips with his tounge asking for entrance. 2d parted his lips and let out a soft moan as his tounge made it's way through and he pulled him closer by the small of his back.

2d pushed thier chests against each other as he wrapped his arms around Murdoc's neck and raised his leg. Murdoc hoisted it up pulling his waist to his and pulled his mouth away kissing his neck. 2d sighed as Murdoc worked against him he tilted his head for better access and felt Murdoc press something hard against his bum. He yelped and looked down. He scrambled off the man blushing profusely.
"I-its fine."
"2d.." 2d leaned forward pressing a gentle kiss to Murdoc's lips. Murdoc grinned and pushed him against the wall. "Why're you being nervous? Yer weren't last night." 2d giggled and pushed him away. "I don't fink I'm ready yet."
"Awww, come on. Okay."

They finished washing then got out to go curl up on the couch and watch a movie.
2d bounced down the stairs in his sweats and tank top holding his newly bought movie. Murdoc lay on the couch with a blanket draped across him and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"Seed of Chucky."
"Ah, the not so scary one."
"Whaa? Its not??"
Murdoc shook his head.
"Why don't we watch Evil Dead?"
2d nodded bounding back up the stairs as Murdoc got up to make hot chocolate.

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