16) sleepy

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2d shot off the couch needing to pee but stopped short as an intense pain clung to his lower back that bit and screamed at him. He grit his teeth and rubbed at it hobbling away to the bathroom.
Murdoc sat up rubbing his eye. "Ya okay?"
He got one open and chuckled at the tall man's posture. He got up and helped lead him to the bathroom standing outside the door as he used the bathroom and once he was done he found some ibuprofen and a Gatorade for him to drink. 2d held onto Murdoc like he was some long lost teddy as he guided him back to the couch. He sat and rubbed his hair checking his phone with the other.
"Russ and the kid are coming back on Wednesday."
"What day is it today?"
"Domingo en feguo."
Murdoc looked down at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"
"Sunday on fire. Twenty one pilots?"
Murdoc grunted and shrugged it off.
2d nodded closing his eyes as Murdoc rubbed soothing circles into his hair.
"Whatcha want?"
2d didn't respond right away since he was dozing off in his lap. "Hnn, uh how about just sum toast?"
"I'll make ya some French toast. Go lay down." 2d groggily sat up and walked to the eazy boy chair in the corner. Murdoc almost demanded he go to his room but decided against it, he looked peaceful curled up in the chair.

About half an hour later Murdoc had two plates heaping with French toast and set them on the counter peering out at 2d who was slipping off the couch dead asleep. He snickered and set him up straight. "Hey." 2d smiled with his eyes closed passing from deep sleep to awakening.
2d made grabby hands at Murdoc who scooped him up without another thought like he'd do to young Noodle and swept him into the kitchen.

2d refused to let go of Murdoc who was trying to pour syrup on his toast but couldn't because of 2d who was sandwiched between him and the table making it difficult for either of them to sit. Murdoc sighed and turned 2d around to face the table and slid his plate over with a small glare. 2d huffed and picked at the food with his fork scraping off the powdered sugar and smearing it into his 'on the side' syrup.
His head started drooping failing to keep it up from either being stubborn or just being tired. Probably the latter. Murdoc rubbed 2d's back. "Eat some then you can go lay down."
"M'kay." 2d shoved a couple big bites into his mouth and slid off Murdoc's lap slowly going over to the couch and curling up.

Murdoc chuckled and finished his food for him knowing how much of a picky eater he was and put thier dishes in the sink. "Come on. You can go sleep in your bed." 2d reached out for him and let Murdoc carry him away.

Once they were settled Murdoc curled up behind him and brushed his hair from his neck peppering kisses to in making 2d sigh contentedly.

Hi, yes I got back to writing this but before I publish this next chapter all I have to say is that y'all are gonna hate me. Like a lot. So enjoy~

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