11) the call

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"Hello? Murdoc?"
He breathed heavily before answering.
"Aye Noodle. How are ya two doing?"

She sighed, he could practically see her place her hand on her hip.
"What happened now? Did you kill him?"

He cringed at her words. Was he that bad?
"Not exactly but he's kinda in medical care from some incident in the bathroom,"
"Oh fuck! Is he okay?"
"Dunno, dick doctors wont tell me. Had a episode myself,"

He could hear Russel mumble in the background 'not unusual for the cracker ass.' Then Noodle swatting him.

"Do we need to come back? I can-"
"Come back? Oh no love I got it under control. Trust me." Did he really though? Sometimes he was as reliable as a bomb.
A short silence.
"Okay but call if anything else happens."

"Will do, aye put Russel on so I can give him a piece of my mind." He snarled into the phone feeling all more the less trustworthy.
The phone was cut off.
"Fuck." It was all for the better, what would he say that would make them believe that, he, Murdoc Niccals could actually take care of Stuart Pot? They were probably on thier way right now. Shit.

He set it down as he heard the doctors exiting where they had brought 2d. Murdoc rushed to his feet and began to bombard them with questions and threats. The younger doctor smiled at him and told him he could see 2d. Without a second thought he ran to the room.

2d sat on a cot bed surrounded by a fort of pillows and blankets. A IV hooked to his arm and a bandage around his head. His eyes were glued to a gameboy. The game's music clashed loudly with the quietness of the room. Murdoc cleared his throat and got 2d's attention who immediately smiled at him with a toothy grin, tounge poking out a little of his teeth. Murdoc felt his heart flutter as he walked to the bed.

"Bumped mah noggin. How yew doing Mudz?"
"Better now. You?"
2d shrugged and set the gameboy down and wrapped the bassist in a tight hug.
Murdoc kissed the top of his head as 2d pulled back. He looked so innocent and sweet. "Can I take you home now?"
"Prolly, go ask. I gotta clean my mess." He gestured to his fort. Murdoc nodded and went to the doorway whistling at a nurse. She thought he was flirting with her and stalked over curling a strand of yellow hair around her finger. "How can I help you, handsome?"
"Sod off, can I take him home?" She immediately snapped back to being professional with a slightly hurt look and nodded curtly.

He turned around to the thin man gently folding a blanket and setting it on the visitor's chair. Murdoc noticed how fragile he looked and felt a twinge of pain hit him. "Let's go Dentz." 2d ran over to him in a chipper manner, latching his lips to Murdoc's cheek. He blushed. He thought 2d forgot the night before.

He placed a hand to 2d's lower back and guided him out of the hospital
2d hummed as Murdoc drove. Maybe he was delirious, 2d was never this happy. Murdoc kept his eyes focused on the road as 2d stretched in the seat.  The man couldn't stop moving. Murdoc looked at him as he rolled the window up and down for the fifth time now. He was completely unaware of Murdoc so he grabbed 2d's hand and looked back the road as 2d turned around. He could feel 2d's eyes gazing at him and grunted a little. 2d smiled and wrapped his fingers around Murdoc's.

They pulled up to the house where Murdoc removed the bandage and made him something to eat and 2d laid on the couch. 2d messed with the cushions like a cat making Murdoc laugh as he rounded the corner with a tray of food and drinks. He set it on the coffee table as 2d sat up with his arms stretched out for a hug. He hugged him and laughed again as 2d pulled him down on him. They lay there holding each other.
2d connected his lips to Murdoc's and kissed him sweetly. Murdoc felt his heart was going to burst and kissed him back tenderly.

He was just so glad 2d was okay. He wouldn't know what he'd do if he wasn't.

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