12)peaceful interlude

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2d snacked as Murdoc played with his hair. He patted Murdoc on the head absentmindedly. He looked at him.

"Am I a dog or something?"

"Huh? Oh, no. Sorry."

"Its ok." He kissed 2d's chin and smiled cheekily. 2d grinned back at him and reached for the remote turning on Legally Blondes.

"Oh jeez this worse than what you usually watch."

"Hey! It's got some quality."

"More like none." Murdoc sat up stretching and got off the couch. 2d pouted. "Aww yer gonna leave me?"

Murdoc raised an eyebrow. "Yep."

"Shoot. I'll change it?"
Murdoc shook his head and went into the kitchen grabbing beers and retreating to his room. 2d stumbled off the couch and went after him.

"Do I got a second shadow now?"


"What do you want?"

"To be wif yew."

He led him into the room flicking the light on and plopping on the bed. 2d eyed it hesitantly, he could see the gleam Murdoc wore. Murdoc patted the space next to him and opened a beer. 2d winced as he raised it to his mouth and the cap came off.

"I'm never gonna get used ta that."
He sat on the edge of the bed and slowly made his way over to Murdoc. Murdoc scooped him up with his arm and smirked at him. 2d smiled awkwardly and pried the bottle from Murdoc taking a drink.

As he raised it to his mouth Murdoc attacked his neck kissing and biting making him choke then regain he composure by pushing him away. He took a proper drink glaring at him.


2d handed him the bottle mushing his lips up in a fake frown. Murdoc took a long drink and tossed the bottle to the side and kissed 2d tenderly. 2d accepted it raising his head with a smile ghosting his lips. The kiss quickly got intense, Murdoc pulling 2d by the nape of his neck to get on top of him.

"I was so.. scared. Thought.. I was.. gonna.. lose you." Murdoc spoke as 2d kissed him.

"You're not." 2d said pulling away with his eyes glistening. Murdoc touched his cheek. "Put me to bed love."


They lay on thier backs panting heavily sweat dripping from every pore and hair tussled about.
"I got so many hickeys I might as well be one. Not gonna go away for at least a couple weeks."

"Oh well, I guess you can say we got into another fight or something."

"I think we should tell them."

Murdoc sat up. "Russel and Noodle?"

"Who else?"

"Won't they think that's wierd?"

2d shook his head. "They're the most supportive people I've ever met and I think they'll understand. It'll make sense why we're always bumping heads."

Murdoc swallowed and looked away. He didn't want to admit he was catching feelings and would prefer to keep it strictly sexual. Its all he knew. How could he love?

2d sat up and rubbed his shoulders.

"What's going on?"

"Me? Nothing."

"Liar. What's wrong?"
Murdoc looked at him and sighed.
"You're just too cute."

"Am not. You're gonna have to tell me one way or another."

"Oh yea? How's that?"Murdoc pinned him to bed kissing him.

"Round two?"2d quired when Murdoc pulled away.


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