Chapter 28

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Germany's P.O.V.

I had to keep walking. I had to get away from Poland.
He hurt me like I never thought was possible. And all this time, I had been blind and stupid enough to think he actually might have loved me.

I left a trail of tears in the house, leading out the door. Never to be seen again.

We were already back at my house when they finally stopped. I immediately took out the schnitzel and beer.
Austria stumbled onto the couch and flopped down. She did not speak.

I sat down, eating the previously prepared food. The schnitzel was still warm from the foil I had wrapped around it yesterday. The beer was freshly brewed and even displayed some foam at the top. As the beverage slid down my throat, I instantly felt relaxed.
However, guilt tugged at my mind. I noticed it was a larger pull every time I had another sip.

How could I have left Poland? He was so special to me, and I needed him. Sure, I had Austria, but that was different.
The look on his face when I left killed me.

But he also did something I couldn't forgive. I had been living a lie that he didn't correct.

He had needed to be taught a lesson. If no one was ever hard on him, he would never learn. Sure, it'll sting for a little, but it was necessary.
Then again, it was right to forgive and forget, but how could I?

I brought the fork to my mouth for another bite. It was empty.
I had eaten the entire plate.

My stomach growled in protest, suddenly feeling very full. I decided more beer was the best way to go.

The mugs and bottles became a pile, starting out small and becoming bigger by the minute. I wanted to escape the pain, to forget it all. More, more, more.

I couldn't see straight. My mind was beyond me. I cried for Poland, calling his name.
No one answered.

My steps were clumsy, tripping over almost anything that stood in the way.
Where was Poland? I want a hug.

Austria stirred from the couch. Oh, good. She can help me search.

"Huh...?" She rubbed her head. "Geez, my brain hurts."
I leaned against the wall. "Mm...Ja."

She turned to look at me. "Oh, Gott. Deutschland!"
I gave a small wave. "Hi."

Austria slowly walked towards me. "Are you...okay?"
"Jaaaa, alles klar." (All right) I slurred.

She gave me a very skeptical look. "Help look für Polen?" I asked hopefully.
The Austrian tapped her chin. "I don't think you're in the right state of mind, Germs."

"You heard me."


She touched my face. "I can't have my best gay friend getting drunk."
I squinted at her. "Gay?"

"Um, Never mind. Forget I said that."

I remembered what I had to ask her. "Polen?"

"Find Polen."

She thought for a moment. "He's not with you?"
I looked around. "Nein."

"Well that's strange. Oh well," she continued. "I'm sure he'll turn up soon. Perhaps he's taking a nap.
For now, lets get you into bed before you puke your guts out. It's been quite the day," Austria adds with a small yawn.

"Mmmm..." I started to feel sad. "Polen?"

"I told you he's not here," she says, starting to push me toward my bedroom. "Warum? (Why?)"

"Again, I have no clue. Now can you start walking? All that schnitzel is making you fat."

I decided to obey, walking in he direction she pushed me. My beer mug was still in my hand. I took another drink. Austria yanks it from my fist. "And that's enough for you, Germs." Darn it.

I flop onto my bed. It is very soft and cuddly, like Poland. That made me sad. I wish he was here.
Austria huffs and starts to walk away. "Well I'm going to go clean your mess. Scream if you need me."

"Halt, (Stop,)" I mumble. She turns her head. "Ja?"

"Ich bin einsam, (I'm lonely,)" I say, giving my best sad face. She lets out a slow sigh. "You and cuddling, geez."
She sits on the bed, moving my head to her lap. "You're such an idiot sometimes."

I play with my fingers. "Nur manchmal, (Only sometimes,)"
She laughs. "Whatever you say."

No one talks for a while. Then Austria speaks up.

"Do you remember when we were kids, and you would tell me all about this little Polish kid? You thought he was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Before you and France, I mean," She adds quickly.

As the memories return, I feel the alcohol slowly slipping away. I'm able to get my mind under control again. My friend keeps talking, her cheery voice resonating through the dark room.

"You would always come to my house and be like 'Oh mein Gott, his eyes,' or 'I wish I could wear his sweater,'."
I turned my head to look up at her. "Did I actually say that?"

"Oh mein Gott."

Another length of silence.

"I do kinda want to wear his sweater though," I mumble.
"You admit it, haha!"

We both laugh, mostly at me though. Hours pass as we talk.

Soon Austria yawns. "Geez what time is it?"
I crane my neck to look at the alarm clock on the dresser. "23:30. (11:30 PM)"
"Verdammt du, (Damn you,)" She says, elbowing my arm. "Ow!"

"Shut up, wuss. You need to sleep."
"So do you."
"I'm the invincible Austria, I don't need sleep."
"And April weather is predictable." (For the record, it isn't. Welcome to Germany)

She laughs again. "Okay but for real, we both need sleep. Like I said, it's been a tough day."
"Tough few weeks if you ask me," I say.

"No duh, Germs."

She lays down, pulling the blanket over her. I stare at the ceiling, folding my hands over my chest.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"I feel like leaving Poland wasn't the smartest thing I could have done," I confess. "What if Czech hurts him like he did you?"

A snore comes from next to me. Austria's fast asleep.
I take a deep breath, but my heart is racing. What if Czech really DID hurt him? I would never forgive myself if that happened.
And what about Lithuania? He'll be worried sick about his brother. What if Czech decides to hide Poland forever?
I'm the only one who knows about all of this. I'm the only one who can save him.
And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Heyo, it's been a while
Sorry I really haven't been publishing, I've been stuck on this chapter for a really long time now and I didn't really know how I wanted it to end so that's why everything is all over the place
and school is always being a butthole, but publishing schedules should return to normal if nothing else crazy comes up
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these homies being homies :>

Have a good day and stay safe ^^

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