Chapter 6

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West Germany's P.O.V.

I yawned, trudging to my bed. East and Father followed suit.

He tucked East into bed and then did the same to me. "Guten Nacht, mein Sohne. (Good night, my son.)" He whispered to me. I felt my eyes droop and smiled a little. "Guten Nacht," I said back. East yawned, turning over.

Father smiled at us, closing the door gently. His footsteps faded down the hallway, and I listened to them before falling asleep.

Almost immediately I entered a dream. It was bright, like standing under a lamp post. Eventually, it cleared into a flower field.

I saw birds flying over me, clouds like fluffy cotton. The sun shone brightly, warming my face.

A slight breeze shook the long grass beside me. It waved back and forth in a trance-like movement. The flowers followed the same waving pattern.

In front of me, there was a standing figure. At first, I couldn't see them clearly. Then, I saw it.

The red. The white. The deep scarlet eyes. Poland.

He blinked at me, then started to giggle. I couldn't help laughing too.

"What's so funny?" I asked. Poland rolled his eyes but held out his hand. I took it, and he yanked me with him.

We ran through the field, trampling grass and occasionally a flower or two. The sun began to sink below the horizon. Wait, I thought. It was midday a second ago.

But I shrugged it off. I focused on Poland, eventually slowing down. In front of us stretched a large field, blue and red clashing and contrasting against the green grass. I recognized them immediately. Cornflowers and red poppies.

He led me to the middle, and let us sit down in the middle of all of them. I tilted my head, and he smiled, before beginning to pick a few.

Then, using flawless skill, effortlessly weaved them into a crown shape. The flowers were interwoven delicately and perfectly, supporting each other into a circle form. He looked back up at me, then leaned forward and placed it on my head.

I felt the petals graze my head, and they felt so soft and reassuring. I smiled back at the Polish country.

He picked one of the two kinds of flowers and put them behind his (nonexistent) ear.

Our gazes interlocked, and a blush crept onto my cheeks. All of a sudden, we began leaning closer to each other, so close I could feel his breath. Closer, closer...

It felt like I hadn't even closed my eyes for a few seconds before I heard whimpering on the side of me. I blinked myself awake.

My sister was tossing and turning, small gasps and cries, eventually getting louder. I watched her for a moment before getting up and walking over to the side of her bed.

"Nnn...Nein...Nein! Warten!...(No...No! Wait..)" She murmured, curling into a fetal position and beginning to shake. I placed a hand on her side.

Immediately East shot up, screaming shrilly. I jumped back, the yell ringing in my ears. Once she saw me, she stopped. "W-West?" I nodded, the adrenaline making me want to leave her side and run away as fast as possible.

"Ja. Ist okay..." I said quietly, attempting to lay her back down. She complied.

I checked her over to see if she was hurt. East turned to look at me. "Mein Bruder...Ich war so verängstigt. Es gab so schreckliche Angst. (My brother...I was so scared. There was such terrible fear.)"

I nodded sympathetically. "Ich verstehe. Bist du sicher, dass es dir gut geht? (I understand. Are you sure you're okay?)" She nodded back shakily.

"Lass dich wieder einschlafen, (Let's get you back to sleep)." I pulled the covers over her, and she clenched the top of them with her gold-colored hands. She looked back up at me. Moonlight filtered in through the open curtains, casting a light on her face. Her pale white eyes reflected it. Inside them, I saw raw fear.

"Bruder...Willst du mit mir schlafen? (Brother...Will you sleep with me?)" I nodded. "Versprichst du, wieder einzuschlafen? (Will you promise to go back to sleep?)" East scooted over, making room for me to lay on the bed next to her. "Ja," She said, rolling over to face me.

I smiled. "Guten Nacht." She grinned back. "Ich liebe dich. (I love you.)" Her eyes closed, and I felt mine beginning to shut as well.

Little did I know that was the last time I would ever see my sister.


HEHE oops sorry

Short chapter ik I just really wanted it to end like this

Also if you're wondering about the flowers they're the national flowers of Germany (cornflower) and Poland (red poppy)

But thank you for all the support you've given me! It's been a tremendous help. I love reading your comments, they always make my day better and make me laugh!

In the meantime,

Happie reading uwu

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