Chapter 14

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Germany's P.O.V.

There's a moment of silence as my confession echoes around the room. Then Austria lets out a squeal and rushes forward to take my hands, bouncing up and down.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! My little Germs likes POLAND!? EEEEEEEE-"

I cover her mouth and she continues to squeal, even though it's muffled. "SHHH! Someone might hear you." I say in a hushed voice. She moves my hand away, unfazed by my urgent tone. "Who cares? You have a CRUSH!"

I bury my face in my hands. "Austriaaaaaa..."

"You have a crush, you have a crush!" She sang, skipping around the sofa. "YOU have a crush!"

She stops in front of me. "But seriously. Do you know if he likes you back?" I peek through my fingers. "Uh. No."

Austria gasps dramatically, clutching the fabric of her shirt and stumbling back until she fell onto the sofa parallel to mine. "Death." She finishes, sticking out her tongue and pretending to die. I nod. That pretty much sums it up.

"Well," The Austrian sat up. "Something has to be done." I hold my hands up suddenly. "No no no! Nothing has to happen! Not! Nope! DENIED."

She narrows her eyes. "Oh silly me, wanting to help you with your problems. I guess you can just BRUSH ME OFF and go on with your sad, miserable, love-stricken life." I rest my head on my knees, letting my arms hang and my fingers graze the floor. "Thank goodness..." I whisper.

"SIKE," Austria retorts. "There's no getting rid of me, Germs. I'm helping and that's final. No exchanges, returns, substitutions, or refunds." I groan without moving.

"So. Poland," My friend muses, tapping her finger on her chin. "Well, I do know he lives a good way northeast from here. But I don't know where exactly." I turn my head so I'm resting on my cheek. "It's no use. It's not like he'll ever want me at his house anyway."

"What makes you say that?" Austria exclaims. "I just..." I bite my bottom lip.

"I don't know. He just won't, I guess." My next words are muffled as I bury my face in my now crossed arms. "It's hopeless."

"Jeez, you are stubborn. I think we need someone to help weed the worries out of you." She puts on a thinking face, then perks up. "Aha! I know!"

"Oh no," I say.

"How about Russia? You guys can have some 'manly bonding time'. That should help," She says. I crane my neck upwards to give her a glare. Is that really what women call it? "manly bonding time"? Yeesh.

"I'll get him on the phone," Austria declares, and gets up out of the room. I flop onto the sofa, folding my hands over my stomach. Mistakes have been made.

After about 2 minutes she comes bounding back into the room. "Yay! He said he'll be over in a sec- oh." My friend stops in her tracks upon seeing me. She sits down next to my feet.

"I...Did I make you uncomfortable?" She says softly. I continue to stare at the ceiling. Austria lowers her head, the vermillion bow seeming to slouch, almost.

"I'm sorry. Jeez, sometimes I can be a real pain in the ass, I've been told. Heh heh." I frown, sitting up. "Now who told you that?"

"Czech." She mumbled. I harden my expression, grabbing her hands.

"Austria. Listen to me." My voice is stern. "Is that all that Czech said?"

She tries to hold my gaze, but we both know it's impossible. Her eyes glaze over, and I can see the water welling up, threatening to spill over. "Oh, Austria..."

My friend rushes forward and gives me a tight hug, grabbing the fabric of my shirt in my back. I feel the silent tears soak through and touch my shoulder. No one talks.

I grasp Austria's upper arms, easing her back. "Why didn't you tell me?!" She sniffs, and when she speaks, her voice is cracked. I've never seen her so distraught.

"I didn't want to burden y-you, I came over to help-"I shook my head, silencing her. "Austria. You'd never burden me. I just wish you would've come to me sooner so I can help you. But no matter." My friend rests her head on my hand and I wipe away a tear with my thumb.

"Czech has no right to treat you like that. No one does." She seems okay for a moment until a wild look of fear becomes present in her eyes. "Wait. Please don't tell him I told you."

I hold her hands. "It's fine. I won't. All I'm gonna do is make sure there aren't any more problems. In fact, why don't you stay here tonight? Just to have a break."

"I- okay." She finally decides. I smile, leaning in for another hug. I'm reminded briefly of East and I, and the memory surprises me. But, in a way, it's rather comforting.

Just then, the door to my house opens. In the doorway stands a very confused Russia staring down at us in bewilderment.

"Uh...what did I miss?"


YAY chapter :>

This chapter sounded a little off to me so sorry if it makes no sense, it was supposed to be filler but stupid me decided we needed MORE drama for me to remember so yeah ;w;

also I've seen this has more than 1k reads so ty guys so much! It means alot ^^

have a happie day/night! uwuwuwu

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