Chapter 26

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Germany's P.O.V.

We're in the car in the blink of an eye. I pull out of the driveway as fast as I can, and we're already halfway down the street when I hear Poland's buckle click into place.

Ignoring the speed limit, I shoot down the Main Street. I swerve around corners, honking horns calling after me as I speed away. My mind flashes with gruesome images, and I can feel fear and urgency rolling off Poland in waves.

The Lithuanian's house comes into view, and I slam the brakes, lurching the car forward. Poland is out before we stop completely. He throws open the ramshackle door.

The house is eerily quiet, the sound of the quickly opened door resonating off the walls. My heartbeat screamed in protest, but the adrenaline drowned the steady thump in my thoughts. They whirled like a leaf caught in a storm.

"Litwa! (Polish: Lithuania)" Poland cups his hands over his mouth, shouting up the staircase. I don't remember him ever sounding so frantic or distraught.

There's a crash in the distance, and he darts to a large door around the corner and tried to open it. It opens a crack, but stops abruptly.
"There's something behind it," I point out. "I'll go look for something to open it."

I turn away, searching the kitchen for a spoon or long cooking utensil. My eyes catch on the sink.
There is no faucet. Huh. That's weird.

After puzzling over the sink, I made my way upstairs, this time slower than I had come in.
The walls are adorned with patches, looking dirty and unstable. I bring a hand to touch one slowly.
Time slows. I can see the dust floating in the sunbeams from the window.

Flakes of paint drift slowly to the stairs, dancing like falling feathers.
I slowly continue up the stairs, the eerie stillness captivating my mind. Every spot on the wall I touch gives way to more falling paint flakes. In the back of my head I remember Poland. A sense of danger shoots through me.
I should probably go check on him, I thought.

No sooner had the thought crossed my mind did I hear a loud thud from downstairs, followed by a shrill "Niemcy!"
I leaned down the stairs, furious as myself for getting distracted. But I'd worry about that later. Poland was in danger.

The door he was standing next to was closed now, and Poland was gone. I took a few steps back, then kicked he door with my boot so hard the lock broke off and it flew open.
I didn't stop to admire my work. I had to find Poland now.

I started down the stairs as fast as my legs would go. The walls were made of dirt, and there was little to no ventilation. Despite this, it was freezing in the staircase.
Here was no lift ahead of me. My footsteps became more unsure, and I started tripping every now and then.

The stairs stopped, leading to a wide open room. Wind came from ahead, making me squint. A faint light hovered in the air for a moment, then turned around. Loud footsteps indicated whoever was there was running.

I ran after them, he large room suddenly becoming a narrow tunnel. The dirt made me cough and my eye itch. The cold was getting worse. I only knew of a few who were able to function comfortably in this climate.

The figure kept running with surprising speed. It was a race against time, and everything was on the line. I simply could not lose Poland, too. What would my life be without him?

I ran for a longer time, longer than it should have been, when the figure ahead stopped. They light beam waved around for a little bit until clicking off. Now I was in total darkness.
I reached to my sides. The passage was about a meter and a half wide. (About 4 feet)

I'm about to start back down the hallway when two hands grasp my shoulders. My last thought was, Poland, and then it all went black.

(Hm, should I end the chapter here? Maybe ill write a little more :>)

I wake up in a dark room, just like the movies. A single light casts a glowing circle on the floor. I stare at it.

Suddenly, someone is thrown forward. I watch with horror as they lift their head to weakly look at me.
It's Poland.

"Traitor." A voice comes from behind me. I turn to look, only to find I'm tied to a chair. Great.
"You thought you knew him? Think again."

Another person was thrown on to the floor. Austria!
They're both extremely weak; every movement looks like it causes terrible pain.

"Let them go, du Stück scheisse!" I shout to the darkness. Whoever stands behind me laughs.

"You have no idea how much you've hurt me. I'm wounded, really. You've always been so nice, Germany. It's a shame you can't even keep your own reputation above the water."
Poland turned his head slowly. His scarlet eyes pleaded for help. But they also flashed with...worry? Dread?

"So I took her. I wanted to make you hurt like I felt for all this time. But no," The stranger scraped something sharp on the back of the chair.
"You just kept doing what you wanted, with absolutely no self awareness. And now I'm here to punish you."

Austria let out a weak moan. "No...Germs..."
"Shut up," the stranger barked, kicking Austria with his foot. She did not speak again.
I widened my eyes, my heart thumping at a million miles an hour. My wrists rubbed against the rope tying me up, leaving a noticeable burn.

"Why don't you tell him why he needs to be punished, dearie?" The voice said. Poland let out a small cough.
"Speak." They said, this time more sharply.

"Cz...ungh..." he rolled over onto his stomach. I wanted to cry and rage at the same time. I'm not the one who should be punished, this guy is abusing other people!

The stranger stepped into the light, the single bulb casting a creepy shadow over half of his face. I saw my father in him. The way he smiled, his stance, even his smile reflected the teachings of his mentor.

It was Czech. And he was ready to kill me.
how you guys holding up

happy reading
until next time...

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