~Chapter 22~

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I felt that my heart was in my stomach. I felt pale. I just did my face reveal, both I and Nick would receive so much hate. From him to being an asshole to me being a homewrecker.  Both Nick and Heather both said they weren't going to say anything about them breaking up. But I bet they both didn't think about them getting in another relationship especially after their breakup. Although me and nick arent dating, we did do some stuff that Jesus would not let to see nor think about.  

I look over to nick looking at his face, he was confused about what I was showing him since I just shoved the phone in his face just saying "Look". As he read his face slowly dropped the confused look into a nervous one. I kept staring at him, he looked up to me noticing my eyes glossy since I was extremely nervous and worried. He gulped and just exhaled really hard. I put the phone down and looked at him, slightly biting my lip. 

I walked away into the living room and I sat on my couch. Thinking of all the things we could say, regardless of what we say we still would be getting hate. Now getting hate from streaming and doing youtube comes with the job. I'm used to getting lots of hate from people, it bothered me of course but I tried my best to be positive and not letting it get to me. Nick would get hate too but again just like me he was positive and thought about the pros of streaming and making videos.  

He followed me into the living room, sitting next to me. My legs were up to my chest and he looked at my legs, which I knew to put my legs down. I put them down and he laid his head on my lap. I didn't say anything still thinking about what we are going to do. He first spoke.

"Y/n what are we going to say?" 

" I'm not sure nick, we could say that y'all broke up and decided to keep it private. And now you're interested in another girl..." 

"Okay that could work but you did your face reveal, I saw some of the comments some are saying it's you but others are saying it isn't. We could leave your name out of it too ya know?" 

"Yes but people are going to connect the dots nick, they aren't dumb either"

 "I know, how are we going to tell them? Well, first of all, we aren't even dating, we kissed and got caught." 

"We could say the heat of the moment, that I was showing you the LA life since you liked it more and we sat down to eat, we were laughing and having fun, then boom kiss. And it just happened and we talked about it and both agreed it was nothing. How about that?" 

"Why can't we say that we like each other and we're taking it slow?"

 "You just broke up with heather, you already started to like another girl who happens to be your best friend. How well do you think that's gonna go?" 

"Y/N I truly like you, I want to date you I really do, but I can't lie to our fans not anymore. Say what you want to say, I'm going to take a shower." I had a blank expression on my face, apart from me very confused about what he said. Nick is confusing he wants to date me but still hasn't asked me out. 

He said 'first of all we aren't even dating' he said it with such ease like nothing. That bothered me but I decided to let it go. I heard Nick grab his towel and walked into the shower, soon after the water turned on.

 I got up and walked over to my room where my PC was at and i turned on my computer. I stared at it for at least 2 minutes debating if i should stream or not. I got up instead and grabbed another towel. I stripped off my clothes and walked over to the bathroom. Wondering if I should join nick, not sure if he was upset with me or not. I opened the door very quietly and walked into the bathroom, I got in the shower and saw nick standing under the water not moving. I laid my head on his back and hugged him. 

"Don't worry I'm going to tell them" 

He turned around and hugged me, I look up and kiss him. After the shower, we changed into some clothes and I stole one of Nick's hoodies which were his merch it was really comfortable. 

I brushed my hair and sat at my desk still debating if I should stream and have a serious talk with them or if I should tweet something out. But I decided to stream, I told nick just in case if he wanted to join in and talk with them too or if he didn't want to and to be quiet as I talked to them. He said he was hungry so he was going to eat but he would join me in a bit. I started my stream.    

Y/U/N IS LIVE: Uh oh serious talk guys...

a/n~ HELLO IM BACK! ish. i haven't been writing to honest, i am having writers block and also i haven't been on my laptop to write. But i will be trying to start writing again. I had an idea for another story but i want to finish this one first. And if im honest i want it to have a couple more chapters maybe up to thirty. But um like i said before i do want some more ideas so please and i beg help me just a tad bit. thanks! :) i didn't proof read this either so sorry :0

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