~Chapter 17~

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"Oh, nick...."

"Y/n what the hell am I supposed to do? I'm a college student, I cant re-buy any of this! It's too much money!"

"Hey, first calm down, I know its the hardest thing to do right now but please try. What did she destroy?" 

"Okay, heather destroyed my couch, threw all of plates and cups, threw down my lamp. Destroyed my FUCKING WALLS TOO. MY desk for gaming, my chair, there isn't anything she didn't break."

"Nick, are you going to press charges though?"

"No i don't want this to get out of hand, I have my life too that will be on the line."

"Alright then, well that wall will need to be fixed"

"Yeah, I'm going to pay that soon or it will raise my rent, the lamp i don't care, the desk i don't care i needed a new one anyways along with another chair. My couch was almost 2 thousand. She dumped my fucking other monitor in the bath filled with water. That was 800"

"Nick, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Can you make like a list for me to know what to buy? Please?"

"Of course"




-Plates and cups

-New bed


-Repair the walls and clean them

-New floors

"I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm so sorry"

"Love it isn't your fault, she was crazy, i chose her. Its my fault."

"Love sometimes makes you blind. You were in love with her so you didn't notice the bad things regardless she shouldn't have done that"

"Yeah you're right. Its getting late here and i want lay down but I'm not sure where to lay down. The floor is covered in glass, the bed is ripped apart so is the couch."

"Go to a hotel, rent a room for a night or two. Tomorrow call somebody to fix the wall around 2 pm. Wake up at 8 and clean. Throw everything way, and nick its going to hurt. You're throwing away things that made some great memories. If it was family or friends. Its will always hurt."

"Y/n how do you know it hurts?"

"I felt it first hand, with my family..."

"Can i ask you a question?"

"Yeah go ahead"

"How come you never talk about your family?"

"Well..., I don't have one, I mean I don't have one in life form. My mom committed suicide one day before her birthday because she couldn't cope with the death of my little sister who was 8. She had blood cancer. She died one day before her birthday too."

"Oh, love. I'm so sorry. I didn't know that."

"Yeah nobody does. Um I'm good, I was 16 so I'm fine now"

"Is that why you really don't like your birthday? Because it reminds you that your mom and sister didn't see theirs?"

"No, i don't like birthday because me and sister were born on the same day but different years. I spent most of my birthdays with her, and now I don't..." My voice trailed off, i hadn't spoken about my family with anybody. It was weird, I never really expressed my feelings with a lot of people. I always kept to myself.

"'i am so sorry, that should never happen to anybody."

"I had great years with them, they are happy now. I like to think about it like that"

"You're so amazing, you always see light in everything"

"Light can't exist without some darkness"

 "So wise too"

"Haha very funny, you're so funny sapMAP"

"Oh my gosh, I'm dying of laughter. hehehaha"

"Wowww, nick clean the glass up as i find a hotel for you"

"Yes love"

I heard nick sweeping and talking about how he always wanted a panda, i laughed and found a hotel for him. I paid because he doesn't anything more to pay for. He doesn't know that i am paying. 

I was still talking to nick as he drove to the hotel and i wanted to hug him so bad. He was talking acting like everything is just fine but i could hear his sadness in his voice.

 I wasn't surprised, somebody who he once loved, once cared for destroyed his heard his soul, and his belongings. Home is where you're supposed to feel safe right? Nick made it to his hotel. He made it to his room and thanked me for getting the room for him. We talked for some more and i knew he needed sleep. He talked a desk and wanted to know where i got mine. 

"Oh mine is custom-built!"

"What?! Really! Woah that's cool, im looking for a desk that is large enough that for my computer and tower along with my monitors, oh and enough space for my arm to move with my mouse. Basically, i want it really wide but pretty looking desk!" He giggled and then yawned

"Nick get some sleep its late there isn't it? "

"No we're 2 hours ahead of you"

"what?! You said it was late!"

"I know hehe sorry!"

"Nick you have jet-lag go to sleep please"

"Okay i will, good night love"

"Good night"

We hanged up, i went to my computer and opened the site i used for my custom desk and designed a desk for nick, I did have money. So i made a desk for nick it was around 600. I searched for the monitor that i used since nick told me before that he wants one. 

Nick deserved it, a lot of people pay attention to dream and George. Many see nick as well but when it comes dream and George they just drop him like its nothing. That's why i always stream with nick. Everyone is too busy seeing the little duo. I finished the rest of my day and saw it was 1 am, I knew Nick was awake. 

I called him and said "I have a crazy idea"

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