~Chapter 3~

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It's already been 2 weeks, one more day and I was going to the boys! Oh, how happy I was! I started to pack my suitcase and the things I would need. I struggled to try to think of outfits so I just shoved most of my closet in the suitcases. Knowing I was going to see sapnap made me really happy, stop he has a girlfriend, and lately I and George are getting closer too. God, I need to stop.

Sapnaps pov-

I was excited to see dream and George! But most y/n she is an amazing friend and I haven't seen her face ever. For 5 months I've never seen y/n face. I have seen dreams but never y/n. I always joked that she had a huge scar and was scared. But I was excited to see her face.

 "Babe?" I turned around quickly to see my girlfriend Heather. I meet her almost 2 years ago. She's amazing, I mean yeah sure most of the time we are fighting but we have our good moments too. I know she doesn't like y/n. She gets jealous when I talk to her or stream with her. Y/n is very understanding and didn't mind. I like that about her.

"Yeah, heather?" I said

"Are you packing?"

"Yeah I am, I have to get my pc too"

"Jeez can't you leave that here? Always with your freaking games"

"Well we are a household of streamers so yeah I'm taking my computer"

I walked away fed up with her. She knew that we are all YouTubers and streamers. She's acting like it was a disease. I should've never invited her.

Dreams pov-

I was packing. Ready to see the boys and wondering what y/n look like. I bet the boys were wondering the same, especially George. It was cute knowing that he has a huge crush on her and she liked him back. It was cute, really cute. I should be happy for him, right?

George pov- I was leaving today because I was in England and I needed to take 2 flights to get to LA. I was so excited to see y/n. The boys are my best friends but I want y/n. I want to see her. Hug her. I got a taxi and went to the airport since i don't have a license, i waited to board my plane as i text y/n.

Y/n <3

Hey y/nnnnnn!

Hello georgeee!

Are you ready to meet us?!

I am! I can't wait to hang out with you

I can't wait to hang out with you too y/n! Oh, I have to board my plane now! Talk to you later y/n byeee!

Bye, George :)

I board my plane and turned off my phone. Smiling knowing she wants to see me.

~Y/N pov~

I turned off my phone smiling and i decided to stream since i wasn't talking to anybody and i was bored. I pulled up twitch and Minecraft. "Hi!" "Helloooo stream, how's everything going?" Today I'm going to play some bedwars! Or maybe I am going to play some duels. I'm going to run a poll and you guys choose!:


*BEDWARS* 87.6%

*DUELS* 13.94%

I laughed. "You guys didn't even give duels a chance!"

I pulled up bedwars and waited for the server to start but I think back to when I first meet Wilbur! 

I was playing bedwars solo while Wilbur played with Tommy and tubbo and fundy. I killed all of them at the same time and on their stream they were freaking out and going crazy about me killing them. He ended up finding my Twitter and messaged me talking about if i wanted to join a call with him and his friends. I said sure because why not. And I found Tommy and tubbo to be extremely funny. We had the same humor. So Tommy wasn't a problem and fundy and Wilbur was great too. 

We grew close and I was usually on his stream playing with them. He introduced me to play with me and George. So I did. Hitting it off with George I met sapnap and dream. And that's how I became friends with the dream team.

I streamed for about 5 hours and ended my stream. I wasn't going to stream for about 2 or 3 days so i wanted that one to entertaining for my fans. I stretched and brushed my teeth and walked over to my bed. Just as I lay down in my comfortable bed. So soft. I heard my phone ring, thinking Georges's plane landed early but I saw it was nick. I answered

"Hey nick. Whatsup?"

"Hey y/n"

I heard him sniff. Like if he was crying.

"Nick are you okay?'

"yeah, I guess I will be"

"Nick you know you can always talk to me."

"Yeah, I know...."

"Then talk to me, what's going on?"

"Sometimes i wish i never met her."

"Heather? Why? Did you guys fight again?"

"I told her today that I'm taking my pc and she got mad, coming at me that I stream. But that's what I love to do. I love to stream, shouldn't she support me. Isn't my own girlfriend support me?"

"Yes she should support you nick, but i think she maybe feels like you aren't showing how much you love like you use to?"

"If I'm being honest I'm not sure if i love her anymore.."

"Nick...then break up with her."

"No i said i don't know, i know you don't like her y/n but just because you don't like her wont make me break up with her."

"Nick what are you talking about?! Yes i don't like her because shes toxic. God nick and if its a 'im not sure' then break up. You shouldn't question if you love her or not"

I hanged up,pissed off at nick. Crap I'm seeing him tomorrow

Just friends...? - SapnapxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now