~Chapter 18~

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"Hey, love! What's your idea?"

"Move in with me"

"What?! We haven't gone on a date yet!"

"I know but you need a place. You cant be in that hotel forever. Look I have a couch, I have everything! Think about okay?"

"Okay, I'll think about it"

"Bye, you just get some extra rest, lots of stuff to do tomorrow!"

"Bye love! Talk to you later"

Nicks POV-

Heather broke everything. All of my stuff. Why? Fucking bitch. Thank god I had y/n she really is amazing. I knew I was going to say yes to moving with y/n but I still wasn't sure. I texted the boys and they already knew about what heather did.

Dream teammmmm

G- 8================D my shlong


N-Hey guys I have a question

C- Yeah what's up?

G- Yeah?

N- Ya know since H fucked me over y/n told me to move in with her, should I?

C- I can't really say if you should or shouldn't. it isn't my place but if that happened to me I would move in with her.

N- It's because we haven't gone on a date yet, like how am I supposed to move in with her?

G- You should move in with her, and it doesn't matter nick, she's looking out for you. That shows that she really cares for you

C- George is right nick. Go for it, at the end of the day it's your choice though.

N- thanks guys talk to y'all later

C- Of course we're always here for you

G-Yeah no problem nick

I called y/n back and told her yes I would move with her. She was so happy, it made me happy.

I went back home to fix the wall and clean up. It took around 4 hours to clean everything up, almost 2 hours for the repairman to fix the holes in the walls. I threw away my broken chair, couch, and desk. I threw away my bed and such. 

My house back to normal in about 3 days. I was leaving. I couldn't believe it. I was leaving. I packed my clothes all over again, I packed everything that was left, which wasn't much. Heather ripped my clothes that I had left at the house and scratched up and cut my shoes that I also left, which were some of my most expensive and favorite shoes. 

The only stuff I had was the stuff I took on the trip. I went on the plane and I was moving to LA, crazy never thought I was going to leave texas.

[Time skip]

I made it to LA and started to drive to y/n's apartment, she had my car driven to LA because she didn't want to leave it there or to sell it. I made it, I was at her door. I knocked. The door opened after 20 seconds, I saw her. A huge smile went on her face, she hugged me so tight. 

To think that I thought we were just friends... I was so wrong. She let in and claimed she had a surprise for me. She walked me to a room and showed me this amazing gaming set up. I told her 

"That's so cool! Where did you find that desk I want one just like that?!" 

"No dummy, it's for you!" I was shocked, why would she waste so much on me? She didn't need to.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's for you! I had some money left so I chose to spend it on you. You deserve it! You have school to pay for after all! I wanted to help you that's all"

"Oh love you didn't need to, thank you so much " I picked her up and hugged her. She had no idea how grateful I was! 

"Well, nick you know I care about you right?" 

"I needed to hear that!" I kissed her. 

Our first kiss.

Y/n POV-

He kissed me, he actually kissed. I blushed so hard. I had my legs wrapped around his waist, he was carrying me after all. We pulled away. We made eye contact before we kissed again. We stopped ourselves knowing it would it go too far. We smiled and laughed. 

It was pretty late so we chose to go to sleep. We slept in the same bed. I like sleeping with him because when I closed my eyes I knew I was going to be okay. We woke up around 12pm, we got up and got ready. I was going to take nick shopping for some more clothes and shoes. 

We were also going to have our date. I wore a nice sundress and it complimented my body. We made our to the mall and walked around holding hands acting like a couple. I bought his clothes him and shoes because I didn't want him to worry about his money at the moment. 

And to be honest it wasn't hurting my bank account either. After a long day of shopping, we decided to have our date. We laughed and talked about the dumbest things, it felt like we could talk for hours and never get bored. It was the best date. 

We made it home and I changed into the red shorts that show my butt too much, I didn't mind. Nick in some grey sweatpants. I quickly notice his print. I walked into the kitchen to get water. I felt him behind me. He turned me around and made eye contact. He kissed me again. But more passionately. 

He picked me up and carried me back to my room. We both knew what was going to happen.

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