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Alex's POV

"Someone get her flowers!"

"Someone make sure her makeup isn't smudging!"

"You guys, we only have ten minutes!"

I could hear everyone's frantic voices, rushing everyone to hurry up, but I couldn't seem to focus on it. I paid no attention as people smeared on my makeup and messed with my hair over and over again, trying to make me look perfect. Today was a big day and I had my mind on one thing, and one thing only.

I glanced in the tall mirror, taking in my appearance. My white dress fell down just past my knees, showing off some of my legs. It was strapless and plain, flowing out loosely and showing off the small baby bump that had formed in my stomach. 

Two months after the miscarriage, Zayn had managed to impregnate me again. He proposed the night that I told him that we'd be expecting, already ready with a ring. That was four months ago. We had three months to go until we would officially be parents.

"Alex? How ya doing, hon? You good?" a voice questioned and I looked up to find myself staring into the dark blue eyes of my best friend, who looked pretty nervous.

"I'm fine, Mara." I reassured her for the hundredth time. 

"Are you sure? Because its okay to be nervous. I would be a nervous wreck if I were you. I mean, this is a big day, and I just want to make sure you're not having any second thoughts." she rambled. She stared at me, quiet for only a moment before asking, "Are you having any second thoughts?"

"Absolutely not." I told her, meaningfully. "There is not a single doubt in my mind about this. You don't need to worry, okay? I'm not going to back out. I'm not going to take off and leave him waiting for me. I'm not going to run away from this. I want this, Mar. There are no second thoughts."

My best friend stared at me, her blue eyes beginning to water. A smile formed on her lips and she quickly pulled me into a hug, wrapping her arms around me tightly. 

"Why are you crying?" I chuckled as I felt her tears hit the skin on my shoulder.

"I'm just so happy for you two." she sobbed into my neck.

 "Thank, babe," I smiled, hugging her back the best that I could with the small bump coming from my stomach.

We stayed there like that for what seemed like forever. She refused to let go of me, telling me to give it up every time I tried to pull away. I would just laugh and give in, continuing to embrace my blond best friend.

"Alright, it's time!" I heard Danielle announce and Mara was pried off of me by Eleanor. Danielle quickly began wiping away any smudges that Mara's crying had caused before stuffing a bouquet into her hands. Eleanor smiled at me, giving me a peck on the cheek as she shoved a bouquet into my hands as well, before she went to stand in front of the doors. Danielle did the same before standing in place right behind El. Then came Sadie, who had just made things official with Niall and had been welcomed into the family quickly. 

"Wait!" someone called before she could push them open. I turned around to see Zayn's mom, Trisha, holding up a small camera. "I want one picture first."

Mara, Danielle, Sadie, Eleanor, and I all stood next to each other, bright smiles on each of our faces. The girls were all wearing matching black strapless dresses that went down mid-thigh. Their hair was left down, falling naturally past their shoulders. 

 Once the picture was taken, Mara, Danielle, and Eleanor all got into their spots. Eleanor was in front, followed by Danielle, and then Sadie. Mara was walking with me. Since I had no father or even mother to walk with me, I asked Mara. She was the one who had been with me through everything. She was the closest thing to family that I had always had growing up. She was my person.

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