Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Alex's POV

"You're nothing but a crazy whore." he whispered angrily in my ear, his breath hot against my face. "You're lucky I love you."

Yeah, I mentally scoffed. I'm really lucky.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, knowing that if I got angry with him things may end up much worse. 

He angrily kissed my cheek, before pulling away and slapping me. "Don't ever do that again Alex." he snarled.

"I'm sorry." I repeated dully, trying to hold back tears from the pain. "It won't happen again."

"Good." he said smirking, his mood suddenly changing as he kissed me, gently this time. "Now go get cleaned up. We're going out."

I stood up and walked off to the bathroom, locking the door behind me before I checked to see what damage was done this time. 

It wasn't the first time things like this happened. My boyfriend, Connor, and I had been together for nearly two years. Things had been so great at first. It wasn't until after we moved in together that I realized what kind of guy he really was. 

I moved in with him when I was 16. He was all I had, apart from my best friend Mara. My dad had bailed when I was three, and my mom overdosed 13 years later. The day after my 16th birthday actually. She was a lovely woman, always there for me and trying her hardest to be nothing but the best mom she could possibly be. She started smoking marijuana when I was 12 and slowly made her way to heroin. She tried, despite her addiction, to support us. But it was tough. And by the time I was 15, she had sort of given up. That was when I met Connor. 

He seemed so perfect. We met at a party someone from a different school was having. My best friend, Mara, had dragged me to it. I didn't know anyone and had decided to go sit on the porch in the backyard for awhile. That's where I saw him. I was attracted to him instantly. He had black hair that swept over his dark chocolate eyes. He had been wearing some worn jeans and a band tee. 

We clicked right away. We spent the whole night sitting outside, smoking cigarettes and talking. When the sun was starting to come up, I decided to find Mara and go home. He asked for my number and had started texting me not even 10 minutes after I had left. We started hanging out a lot after that, and he asked me out a month later. 

After my mom died, he had been so supportive. He helped me through it all. I loved my mom, and I knew she had tried. I had been suicidal for weeks after she died. But he was always there- holding me, comforting me, helping me. He was 18 and already living on his own, so he invited me to live with him. And things had been great. It wasn't until a month after I moved in that I noticed he may not be as perfect as he seemed.

He was always so jealous. He always had been, but it had gotten worse once I moved in. And slowly, he started to get meaner and meaner. He started getting more and more abusive as time went on, but it was too later. I was already in love with him.

I looked in the mirror, noticing that my lip was bleeding a bit and my cheek was bright red. I quickly cleaned up the blood and applied concealer, covering up my cheek. I was relieved this was all he did. Normally it's much worse. 

I left the bathroom and headed off in the direction of our bedroom, immediatly going to the closet to find something to wear.

"Babe?" I called.

"Yes love?" he said. It always made me happy when he called me stuff like 'love' or 'babe'. Then I knew he was in a good mood. When he was in a good mood, he could be lovely. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"A party."

"Yes, but what sort of party? I need to know what to wear." 

I heard him chuckle and then he was suddenly next to me, looking into my closet. He went forward and pulled out some clothing, laying it down on the bed. "There you go, babe."

"Thanks." I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

"No problem." I grinned, before leaving again.

I quickly threw on the clothes he had grabbed- a short, tight fitted strapless black dress and a leather jacket. I threw on my black hightop converse and headed back to the bathroom to see how I locked. I applied some eyeliner, making my green eyes pop, and ran my fingers through my long black hair. I had fallen into a habit of wearing a lot of black, which made me look as white as a vampire, but I didn't mind. 

"Alex, you look hot." Conner said, checking me out as I walked into the living room. He was wearing tight black skinnies and a white tshirt under his own leather jacket. 

"Thanks, so do you." I smiled at him.

"I know." he smirked, cockily. 

We headed out right after that. Neither of us had a car, which meant we were walking. Living in New York was nice, but there was so much traffic at this hour, so we avoided taking a taxi or bus. 

It didn't take us long to get to the club. It was a night club that was always filled with people. Once in awhile, we would see celeberties there. Conner had connections so we always got in for free. 

"Want a drink babe?" he asked once we were inside.

"Yes please." I shouted over the loud music. He nodded and walked off towards the bar. I stood there awkwardly before heading off to find a table. Before I could get to one though, I felt a hand on my butt. I spun around and saw a buff looking guy, grinning down at me.

"Hey sexy, wanna dance?" he slurred, obviously shit faced.

"Not with you." I said, and went to leave but he grabbed onto my arm.

"Aw sugar, don't be like that. Just dance with me." he said, pushing himself against me. I tried to shove him off, but was unsucessful considering he was rather big.

"Get off of me!" I shouted. He said nothing, but began to feel me up.

"Leave me alone." I tried again, angry.

"C'mon babe. Just dance with me."

"I believe she said to leave her alone." I heard an angry, british voice say suddenly.

Soo what did you think of the first chapter? I'm sorry if it sucked. It'll get better. Let me know what you think!
I don't own the picture on the cover or the characters in the story.  

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