Chapter 32

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Okay, so this chapter accidentaly got deleted, which mean I had to re-write it. So not amused. But anyways, I apologise if this chapter sucks. I kind of got annoyed with having to re-write it and just gave up with trying to make it good. It is a little bit different than the first version   of it though.

Chapter 32

Alex's POV

"Honey, I'm home!" A voice called right after the door to Zayn's and my apartment flew open. I looked up and saw my blond best friend skipping towards me with a wide grin on her face.

"Mara!" I squealed, opening my arms for her to jump into.

"Oh. My. God." she cried, hugging me tightly. "I missed you so freaking much, you have absolutely no idea."

I chuckled, "I missed you too, babe."

"Never ever leave me ever again, okay?"

"Did Harry take care of you like he promised me he would?"

"Yeah, he was such a sweetheart," Mara nodded. "He even bought me cookie dough and rented me stupid romance movie like the Notebook so that I could pretend you were there, but it just wasn't the same. And I had to stop fangirling over Frank Iero and his sexy tattoos because Harry got a little jealous and went out to get one so that he could prove he was was sexy with tattoos too."

"You're kidding!" I laughed. "Harry got a tattoo?"

"He did indeed. I was just sitting there, watching the freaking Vampire Diaries when Harry came home with this proud little grin on his face telling me he got a tattoo and that Frank's not the only one who looks good with some ink."

"What did he get?"

"Two birds on his chest. Freaking birds!"

"Oh, my God, I really need to see that." I snorted. "Well, does he look hot with it?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to say that he does." she admitted. "Now, come on. You promised me cookie dough and sappy movies. Lets get on it."

Mara and I quickly made our way to the kitchen where we quickly began baking. We were pretty skilled at making cookie dough by now, since we had had much practice.

"Hey babe." I heard my boyfriend's voice call. Zayn came into the kitchen, his hair freshly styled and clean clothes on. "Oh, hey Mara."

"Hello Zayn." Mara smiled at him while mixing the batter.

"Did you know Harry for a tattoo?" I asked Zayn.

"Haz? No way." he laughed, much like I had.

"Way." Mara replied, sticking her finger into to the bowl of finished dough and licking it off.

Zayn did the same and smiled. "Yum." He took one more scoop and looked at it before wiping it across my face.

"Really Zayn? Come on now." I whined, quickly grabbing a rag and wiping it off.

"Sorry babe." Zayn laughed. "Well, I'm gonna head out and meet up with the guys. I'll see you later?"

"Sounds good." I nodded. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before waving goodbye to me and Mara and leaving. As soon as Zayn was out the door, Mara turned to me.

"I blame your boyfriend for influencing mine to get a tattoo." she teased.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "I'm pretty sure Harry got a tattoo because you made him jealous of Frank. Not because of Zayn. And besides, you said it was hot on him."

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