Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Zayn's POV

After the movie, I carried Alex off to bed since she had already fallen asleep, crawling in next to her. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close to me. It wasn't the first time we had slept like this, but this time it was different. This was are first time sleeping together as a couple. It seemed so different. It seemed better. I could finally call her mine.

There was a knock on the wall, since there was no door, and Harry peeked his head around the curtain. "Can I speak with you?"

"Of course." I nodded, sitting up carefully so that I wouldn't wake Alex.

"So you two are together, yeah?" Harry asked, taking a seat at the end of the bed.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"That's great. Just remember what I said before, alright?"

"I will. I wouldn't dream of hurting her, Haz." I knew she was scared still. She was taking a chance on me, letting me prove to her that I wouldn't hurt her, and I would make sure I did just that. I would show her that I wasn't going to ever hurt her. I would treat her how she deserved to be treated; like a princess.

"Good." he smiled, before looking down as if he were thinking hard about something. "Do you love her?"

"I think I do." I admitted with a nod. "I mean, I like her more than Rebecca and Perrie. So yeah, I think so. Why are you wondering?"

"How do know its love?"

"Uh, I don't know how to explain it really. Its like, every time you're in a room together, all you see is them. That's how it is with Alex. She's constantly on my mind. I know I would do anything to keep her safe because I care about her. My heart races just when she smiles at me." I told him, smiling to myself. "Why Hazza? What's up?"

"I just.. Well, basically. Uh, I think I like Mara." he admitted quitely. "Actually, no. I do like her. I've liked her from the moment she shoved me out of the way when she found Alex in the hospital."

"Really?" I asked. I personally thought those two would be good together.

"Yeah, but I don't know if she likes me back."

"Well, I think you should talk to her. Mara seems like a sweet girl, and if she's friends with Alex, she must be alright. Just tell her how you feel, Haz."

"I should, I know. I'm just worried she won't feel the same."

"I could talk to Alex in the morning and see if Mara's said anything about you to her?" I offered, wanting to help Harry out.

"Would you?" his eyes lit up. I nodded, making him smile. "Thanks mate, that means a lot. Well, I'll let you go to sleep now. See you in the morning."

"Night Haz." I smiled and with that, he left.

Alex's POV

 "Alexxxxx!" someone shouted and I felt someone jumping on me.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled, opening my eyes to find out what was going on. I saw Mara, Eleanor, and Danielle all bouncing up and down on the bed, trying to wake me. "Go away."

"Nope!" Mara smiled, bringing her bouncing to a end. "It's time to wake up."

"Why?" I asked, refusing to get up.

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