Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Alex's POV

"Wait. What?" I asked, shocked.

"We want you to come on tour with us." Zayn repeated with a grin. "We've talked to management and they've agreed to it already." I watched his face carefully, trying to figure out if he was kidding or not.

"Are you being serious? This isn't some sort of joke?"

"No, not at all! Please Alex. You said it yourself just last night that you didn't want me to leave. Unfortunately I can't help that, but this way we'll still get to see each other. It'll be fun."

"I.. I don't even know what to say." I admitted.

"Just say yes."

I thought about it. It's not like I would be leaving very much behind. All I had now was this apartment. I don't have a big fancy job, a family, and my only friend was Mara. It would suck leaving her behind, but she'd understand. And it wouldn't be forever. When I thought about it, there really wasn't a reason for me to deny the offer.

"Alright. Yes, i'll go." I finally agreed, grinning.

"Really?" Zayn asked looking as excited as a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Really." I nodded.

Zayn grinned widely. So wide, in fact, that I wouldn't be surprised if his face would get stuck like that. He immediately excused himself to call the boys and inform them that I had agreed to join them. When he returned, he told me that we would be leaving tomorrow in the early morning.

The rest of the day was spent packing. Zayn helped me, not allowing me to be on my feet for too long because of my ankle. Each time he made me sit, I'd roll my eyes at him. It's not like my foot was broken. I was still perfectly capable of walking on it. Well, limping actually. Although, it was pretty sweet that he was that concerned about my well being.

Around 6:30 in the evening, the other boys showed up.

"Alex!" a chorus of British accents shouted, with the exception of one Irish accent.

"Hey boys." I waved from my spot on the couch. Zayn had made me sit down while he packed the last of my stuff in a bag.

The four boys came running towards me. Niall took a seat next to me and Louis sat on my other side. Liam sat on the other side of Niall and Harry sat cross legged on the floor at Louis' feet. "How are you feeling today?" Liam asked me.

"Better." I told them honestly.

"Great!" he smiled at me. "Are you excited to go on tour?"

"I am."

"We're excited to have you with us." Niall spoke up.

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle all of the man that will be going on?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"I've lived with a man for two years. I'd say I'm pretty used to boys being around." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey boys." I heard Zayn greet. He came into view, smiling.

"Zaynieee!" Louis and Niall squealed at the same time. They looked at each other. "Zayn's mine." Louis said, playfully.

"Sorry mate, but you're wrong. He's mine." Niall argued, shaking his head.

"No. Mine."

"Nope, I love him more."

"NO! He's mine!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Shut up, Niall. He loves me the most."

"In your dreams." Niall rolled his eyes.

"You wish."

"Give it up Lou. Zayn and I love each other."

There was a moment of silence before; "Hazza, Niall's being mean." Louis complained, not being able to come up with a better comeback.

"Aw boobear." Harry said, holding his arms out for Louis to sit on his lap, which he did. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and I all burst out laughing.

"I love you Lou." Niall said.

"I love you too Ni." Louis grinned.

"Well. That happened." Zayn mumbled. He looked at me, a smile spreading across his face. "Your bags are all packed and ready."

"Thank you." I smiled back.

"We're going to be leaving early, by the way." Liam said. "Like, really early."

"How early?" Zayn asked, groaning. In the short amount of time we had known each other, I had learned that Zayn loved his sleep. Although, so did I.


"In the morning?" Zayn asked, his eyes wide.

"Yeah. Management said that we had to leave as soon as possible since we've been away. So I suggest you all go to sleep early tonight."

"How long are we going to be on your exactly?" I asked realizing that I had never bothered to ask before.

"Two and a half months." Liam answered.

I nodded.

"Are you sure you're gonna be able to handle all this sexy?" Harry asked again, rephrasing his question. He winked at me.

I snorted. "Sexy, huh?"

"I'd like to think so." Harry nodded, jokingly. "I mean, look at us."

"I am. And I don't see it." I teased. Of course I was kidding. These boys were extremely sexy. Especially Zayn.

"Meanie." Harry pouted, sticking his tongue out at me before hiding his face in Louis' neck, pretending to cry.

"Aw Haz, it's okay. I think you're sexy." Louis told him, smiling. The boys smiled at each other.

"Only kidding." I laughed. "You're all sexy."

"We know." Louis said, rolling his eyes as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

For the next few hours, the boys and I all just hung out and talked. They told me about the people I would be meeting and the different interviews they'd have to go to.

It was nice being able to just lay around and talk with them. This was the first time in awhile that I actually had something to really look forward to.

After the four boys left, Zayn and I went to my room. I sat down on my bed and watched him as he pulled his shirt off and replaced it with a clean one. I couldn't help but to appreciate how fit he was. He wasn't too muscular though, which I liked. He looked over at me and smiled as he walked over to the bed and laid down. He grabbed onto my arm, tugging a bit so that I would lay down as well.

"What's your last name?" he asked sleepily after a couple of minutes. I chuckled, realizing that I had never told him before.


"Alex Knight. I like the sound of that." he said, his eyes slowly closing.

"Go to sleep Zayn." I laughed.

"Mmmkay." he mumbled. Only two minutes later, I could hear his quiet snores and I knew he was sleeping. I curled up next to him and let myself fall asleep as well, knowing that the sooner I sleep, the sooner I'd be on your with me five new best friends.

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