Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Alex's POV

Conner and I took a cab over to Zayn's place since it was on the other side of town and too far of a walk. Zayn was staying in the nice part of the city. Conner and I lived in a crappy apartment in the sketchy part of town. It was apparent just by our homes that our worlds were very different.

Our taxi pulled up to a large hotel. Wait, he lived in a hotel?

Confused, I got out of the taxi, thanking the driver while Conner paid him. Once the taxi drove off, Conner grabbed onto my hand and pulled me inside. We found the elevator and Conner clicked the button to go to the highest floor. Once we arrived at the top floor, Connor led us to the end of the hallway. He knocked on the last door.

"Coming!" I heard a voice call.

"That's what she said!" someone else shouted. I smirked a bit, getting the joke.

"Shut up Harry." the first voice said as the door opened. In front of us stood an unfamiliar boy. He had bright blue eyes and blond hair that was obviously dyed considering I could see some brown undergrowth.

"Oh hello!" the boy exclaimed happily, revealing an irish accent. . "You must be Conner and Alex. I'm Niall."

"Nice to meet you." Conner spoke up, smiling at him. I said nothing, but have him a warm smile.

"You too. Come on in!" He opened the door up more and stood to the side, letting us walk into the hotel room.

"Alex! Conner! Hey." a British accent greeted us. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Zayn smiling at us.

"Hey." I smiled back. Conner's grip on my hand tightened.

"I'm glad you guys could make it." Zayn said. "Here, let me introduce you to my mates."

We headed into a small kitchen where we found four other boys. Niall, the one who had answered the door, was sitting on the counter stuffing some chips into his mouth. 

"You've already met Niall," Zayn started but was cut off.

"I'm Louis!" a boy with brown hair and a striped shirt shouted, grinning widely.

"I'm Harry!" said a boy with curly hair and green eyes.

"I'm Liam!" said the last boy, who had brown hair and big brown eyes.

"It's nice meeting all of you." Conner said, letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist instead. He pulled me against him, holding me there tightly. 

"You too!" they all said.

"Why do you guys live in a hotel?" I asked randomly. They all chuckled. Even Conner laughed a bit.

"You know who we are, don't know?" Harry asked, smirking.

"Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn?" I questioned. 

"Well, yes." he chuckled. They were all watching me, clearly amused.

"We're One Direction, love." Zayn told me. I felt Conner's arm tense a bit at the nickname Zayn had used, but after a deep breath, he relaxed.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"You don't know what One Direction is?" Niall asked, eyes wide with a mix of shock and amusement.

"Err. No. Should I?" I asked nervously.

"We're a band!" Louis told me.

"Oh. Wait, so you don't live here then?" I asked. 

"Nope. We're on tour. We're only here for another day or two before we leave." Liam explained. 

"Oh." I mumbled, feeling dumb. "Come to think of it, you boys do look a bit familiar." 

"Alex, they're everywhere." Conner chuckled.

"You knew who they are?" I asked, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Of course. I'm surprised you didn't. They're all over the place." he told me.

"Oh." I said again, looking back at the boys. I really never got into keeping up with all that stuff. I stuck to my own music and didn't pay much attention to magazines and such.

"Well, at least you're not a crazy fangirl." Zayn smiled at me, trying to make me feel less awkward.

"Yeah. I mean, we adore our fans, but it's nicer when people talk to us like we're normal people sometimes." Liam said. The others nodded in agreement.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

"We could go to a movie?" Niall suggested.

"You only want to go to a movie because you want snacks." Harry rolled his eyes.

"So?" Niall huffed.

"We could go to the fall carnival!" Louis shouted excitedly. 

"Yeah!" the boys agreed. I smiled. I hadn't been to a carnival in years. This should be fun.

Zayn's POV

It didn't take very long to get to the carnival. We had to take two cars. Alex, Conner, and Niall rode with me while Louis, Liam, and Harry rode together. 

I don't know what it was about Alex that drew me to her. Ever since the night at the club, I had wanted to see her again. I had been so happy when I ran into Conner at the store. It was my chance to see her again. Although I didn't have a good feeling about Conner. He was nice to us, but there was something off about him. Maybe it's just me. I don't really know.

Once we paid for our tickets, we all split up. Louis and Harry ran off to ride the Ferris Wheel and Niall went to find food, leaving Liam and I with Alex and Conner. 

 "What do you wanna do?" I asked everyone, awkwardly. 

"Let's go on a roller coaster!" Alex squealed. We all chuckled and agreed. Alex ran off in the direction of a roller coaster, pulling Conner along behind her. Liam and I followed close behind.


After being at the carnival for a couple of hours, it was finally getting dark. At some point, Conner, Alex, and Liam had disappeared and I found myself hanging out with Niall. He and I were walking towards the bathrooms when I heard a noise. I went around the corner and saw Conner and Alex fighting.

"What the fuck did I tell you Alex?" Conner asked angrily.

"I didn't do anything!" she cried, scared.

"Don't lie to me. I saw you looking at him. I warned you already!" he shouted at her. I felt my hands clench into fists as I watched him shout at her, but I couldn't bring myself to walk away.

"I promise you Conner, I wasn't looking at anyone." she said, trying to calm him down. "I love you and only you. I don't care about anyone else."

Sighing, I headed into the bathroom feeling slightly guilty for listening to their fight. That wasn't my business. But it did make me angry. The way he was yelling at her.. I didn't like it at all. I quickly finished up in the bathroom and headed back outside. I went to see if they were still fighting, but I didn't hear anything. I peeked around the corner and gasped at what I saw.

Oh shit lol. 

 Sorry its short, but i'm sleepy and wanna go to bed. I hope you like it.

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