Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Zayn's POV

I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable. We had been at the hospital for nearly three hours now. The cop had come by for questioning about two hours ago. I spoke with him first, telling him everything I knew, before he went to find Alex and talk to her.

The boys and I hadn't heard anything about Alex yet. They were doing their best to stay awake. Louis had his head on Harry's shoulder, who's head was tilted back, nearly asleep. Liam was on his phone, probably texting his girlfriend, Danielle. Niall was rubbing his stomach, hungrily.



"Can we pleassse go find a vending machine or cafeteria or something?" he asked, his blue eyes wide.

"C'mon mate. I'll take you." Liam spoke up before I could respond.

"Yay!" Niall cheered.

"We'll be right back." Liam told me before taking off after Niall, who had already run off in search of food.

"She's going to be alright you know." someone said. I looked over and saw Louis sitting up, looking at me. He looked serious, which wasn't very like him.

"I hope so." I sighed. I pulled out my phone, checking the time for the billionth time. It was 11:00. I started bouncing my leg up and down, anxiously waiting for some sort of news.

"Zayn?" I heard someone call. My head snapped up, looking the direction of the voice. There was a doctor standing in the entrance to the waiting room.

I jumped up, rushing towards him. He looked fairly young. He had dark hair and dark, kind eyes.

"Is Alex okay?" I asked.

"She's fine." he assured me. "She had two broken ribs and a sprained ankle, as well as a ton of bruising. But she'll be alright. I'd like to keep her overnight to make sure there's no other damage."

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"Yes, she's in room 2118."

"Thank you." I said and took off to find her room.

"Hey." I said when I arrived at her room, relieved to see that she was alright. I walked over to her bed. She looked up at me and smiled.


"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just have a couple broken ribs and-"

"No, I mean emotionally." I said, cutting her off. I already knew about her injuries. I wanted to know how shee was doing.

"Oh." she mumbled, looking down at her hands awkwardly.

"So are you?"

"No. Not really." she admitted in a small voice. She nervously played with her fingers, avoiding eye contact.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.

"I just don't know what I did wrong.." she confessed, her lip trembling a bit. I could tell her eyes were starting to water, but she kept looking at her hands.

"You didn't do anything wrong love." I told her, taking one of her hands in mine.

"He thinks I did. I'm sure I did, I just don't know what. He was always getting mad at me, always hurting me. He'd go off and fuck other girls but the moment I'd even look at a guy in the most non sexual way, he'd call me a slut and hit me. I mean, I just wanna know why." She sniffled a bit, an I had to do everything in my power not to hunt Conner down and hit him again.

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