A Year Full Of Surprises - Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten…

Mr. Armstrong was stood there looking extremely angry, but Zack made no attempts to get off me. “Get. Off. Her.” Mr. Armstrong repeated as I carried on struggling. His fists were clenched and when Zack still didn’t move, he started coming towards us. 

Zack turned his head to face Mr. Armstrong and I took his moment of distraction to move my leg and bring my knee up in his most sensitive area. His face crumpled in pain and he swore, loudly. His fist came whizzing towards me fast and I only just dodged it, but not before I let out a little squeak. Zack couldn’t stop his fist before it collided with the wall and he let out another sound of pain. 

Before he could do anything else, though, he was being ripped off me and pushed up into another wall. Zack didn’t look fazed and his fist swung out towards Mr. Armstrong’s face. Mr. Armstrong dodged, but he wasn’t quick enough to miss the knee that was brought into his stomach. 

I could tell Mr. Armstrong was holding back before, not really wanting to harm a student, but he clearly overcame that. His fist went zooming into Zack's head, flinging it against the wall and knocking him out. “Oh my god.” I gasped, looking at the scene laid out in front of me. 

I was still backed up against the wall, afraid to move. Zack was unmoving, but still breathing and Mr. Armstrong was gripping his stomach, looking like he was in quite a bit of pain. “Are you okay?” I asked him quietly. 

He nodded. “I just need to go and sit down.” He assured me. Then he seemed to remember why he had been there in the first place. “Are you okay? Did he touch you? At all?” He demanded. 

I shook my head. “I’m fine. He just scared me.”

I finally moved away from the wall and went over to where he was standing. “Come on, lets go to your classroom.” I suggested. 

He had managed to stand up properly now and didn’t look like he was hurting as much. It wasn’t a long walk to his classroom, but he sat down heavily in his chair when we got there. 

I tried not to think what would happen when somebody found Zack lying unconscious in the hallway, I kind of hoped he would recover before he was found. “Thanks for rescuing me.” I told him. 

He shrugged. “No problem. I couldn’t believe he was actually going to hurt you.” 

“I know. He’s never done anything like that before, I don’t know what’s wrong with him. I can’t believe he attacked you.” I said incredulously. Zack had always been really sweet with me. I definitely wasn’t liking this new side to him. “What’s going to happen when he wakes up?” I asked quietly. 

Mr. Armstrong put his head in his hands. “I don’t know. If he tells anybody I’ll be fired.” He revealed. 

I gaped. “What?! They can’t fire you. You were only protecting me.” 

“But I did knock out a student.” He reminded me. 

I couldn’t help but grin. “Under different circumstances, that would have been so cool.” 

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