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I wake up to the sound of ice crunching beneath someone's feet. Rydel had got up and was searching my bag.
"Rydel? What are you doing?" I ask her groggily.
"I'm looking for food," she replies. She continues to dig in my bag. I get up and sit beside her. I take out some food and give it to her. She eats it gladly.
"Thanks," Rydel says as she chews her food. I lay back down. We have to get ready for the war. We have to trap the Frost Giants somehow. Or use another tactic. Loki starts to wake up.
"We need a strategy here," I mumble. My eyes are shut and I'm just feeling the air around me.
"Why don't we collapse the ice? Hit one chunk down and they all go down and make a bowl," Rydel suggests. I look at her.
"What? I had to think of ways that the Asgardians might kill us. I never told anyone though," Rydel replies. She takes a bite of her food.
Me and Loki strategize. We decide which chunk to hit to ensure all of them fall. And when dark falls we all climb down from the cave. Me and Rydel follow Loki. We sneak around the ice. Loki nods as we get to a certain point.
"Heimdall! Bring the Warriors!" I call out. I see the bifrost. Something whistles in the air. The ground shakes as the ice chunks begin to fall. I see the Warriors running towards the falling ice.
"Rydel, you have to get up to that cave," I tell her.
"No! I won't leave you again!" She yells over the sound of the ice clashing.
"Just go!" Loki interrupts. He pulls out his daggers. The Frost Giants are starting to appear. Rydel looks at both of us and runs. I take out my sword as the Warriors begin to gain on us. Me and Loki stand close as they all pass us. We are behind them. I hear them scream and yell as they go head on with the Frost Giants once more. The ice is still falling all around us. I see some of it crush some Frost Giants. I hear a crack from behind me. I look up and see ice falling towards us. Loki is fighting a giant. We're going to die. The fist chunks start to hit the ground. Loki gets distracted and turns around. I scream when I see the giant hit him to the ground. One of the ice chunks falls on the giant and Loki's legs. I scramble towards him. Ice falls everywhere. I trip. Ice lands on me. I scream when I feel my bones break. I'm just in arms reach of Loki.
"Loki," I mumble to him. He looks at me the same way as when I met him. I remember him in my arms looking innocently into my eyes. I remember him at the party. Him saving me and never stopped loving me. Despite everything we went through, he still loves me. And I still love him.
I reach my arm out towards him. He does too.
"I love you forever and always," I stutter. Our fingers almost touch. I look up and see ice falling.
"I will always love you Mackenna," he replies. Just as our fingers touch, the ice buries us.

I see the ice crush my parents. I jump out of the cave running as fast as I can. I'm in shock. I look at the Warriors who are winning. I run to the place where my parents are buried. Tears fall down my face as I grab at the ice. I see the bifrost come down and a man comes out. He looks old but wise. In his hand he carries something I can only make out to be a stick. He walks right into the battle and with one swipe of the stick, the frost Giants fall.
I pull chunks of ice away. A man with blonde hair runs over. He puts down a hammer and helps me. We pull one huge chunk away and it reveals both my parents. Their hands are latched together. More people join us. After ten minutes we have both their bodies out of the ice. Someone checks for their heartbeats. I wait in anticipation hoping that one of their hearts are still beating. A tear slides from the women's eyes. She shakes her head. I kneel down between them and put their heads in my lap. They look peaceful. Tears slip down my face and fall on theirs.
"I just got you back," I murmur. I wipe a strand of hair out of my dad's face. There is a gash across his forehead. The blonde man picks up my dad with tears in his face. Another man takes my mother. I weep.

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