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The breath gets knocked right out of me when I slam into the ground. So much for soft landings. I hear Loki groaning beside me. I flop over. My armour clangs against the ground. Why do I still have armour? I look at Loki. He looks younger now. His skin glows a little more. Maybe because that Odin took his immortality away. I reach for his hand and grab onto it. He looks at me.
"Loki, I'm so sorry for this. I didn't want you to be banished, but I also didn't want you to rot away in a cell," I tell him.
"It's okay Mackenna. If you hadn't I wouldn't be here with you. I wouldn't be able to touch you. It might have been years before Odin would've let me go. I wouldn't have had my immortality ripped from me. I would've lived longer than you. I don't want to spend thousands of years without you. It's not right," he looks up at the sky. I get up and look around for my house. I see it. I help Loki up and start to walk. I feel weird walking at my place with my armour from Asgard on. Loki is walking right beside me with normal clothes on. I keep on walking. I just notice the snow on the ground beneath me. I just want to go inside and have a nice hot shower. When we get to the house it's nice and warm inside. The TV is on.
"Hello?" I call out. I grab onto Loki's hand.
"Mackenna?" I hear Alexis call out.
"Alexis! What are you doing in my house?" I call out as I round the corner. She comes up to me and hugs me.
"I thought you were dead! Your Mom called me on Christmas Day and asked to come watch your house. She had said you went away. I didn't know where and you left your phone. And.......what the heck are you wearing?" She asks, "and who is that?"
"Alexis, this is my fiancé, Loki,"
"Fiancé? You got engaged?" Her vision drops to my hand.
"But where is your ring?" She asks.
"I don't have it. We left it in Asgard," I look at Loki. He puts his hand in his back pocket and pulls out the little emerald box. He takes out the ring and slides it on my finger.
"Asgard? Like in the Scandinavian religion?"
"Yes. They say its myth, but its not. Everything is true,"
"Okay. I just leave that subject alone," she shrugs and turns to Loki.
"I'm Alexis. I'm Mackenna's best friend,"
"Hello Alexis. It's a great honour to meet you," Loki replies.
"And I will be leaving. I have to get back home anyway," Alexis says awkwardly.
"Your phone is on the charger and yeah. See ya Mackenna," she hugs me before she leaves. I check my phone. It's almost February. I have about a million missed calls from my Mom. I call her back and tell her everything is fine. I hang up and see Loki isn't standing beside me. I walk around the house looking for him. He comes out of my bedroom with the scepter in his hands.
"Well that's lovely that Odin stripped you of your powers and leaves you with that," I say sarcastically.
"He could've not known I left it here," he suggests looking at it. He puts it down.
"Wait. If he didn't know about the scepter, then he doesn't know about my illusion powers," I say.
"But he should've known. Unless Frigga never told him," Loki suggest.
"You know what? I really don't care. I'm with you I'm happy. I don't care if you are immortal or not. I don't care if you are a Frost Giant. I don't care!" I yell. The last month has put so much stress and anxiety on me that I finally break. Tears stream down my face.
"I just want to be alone," I say to Loki's shocked face. I stalk off towards my room and take off my armour. I get into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I get in the hot water but it doesn't soothe anything. I scream and punch the wall. I beat the wall until my hands hurt. I fall to the bottom of the shower. I just sit there crying. I cry until I'm numb. I hear Loki come into the bathroom. I stay numb. I don't want to move. He turns off the shower and lifts me up. He takes me out of the shower and wraps me in a towel. He leads me to my room and lays me on my bed. I shake.
I sit for hours just staring at the wall. Soon as I calmed myself down I get dressed and walk out of my room. Loki is sitting on the couch reading. He looks up when I stand beside him.
"I'm sorry. I lost it I guess," I apologize to him. I look down at the ring on my finger. I pull it off and give it to him.
"I'm not good for you Loki. Really. Look what happened to you," I tell him.
"No. Mackenna don't think that way. You honestly made my life better. Yes there were rough times but it was all worth it to me. I want to marry you, and I will. Because no one was made more perfect for me," he is on his feet holding my wrists. I laugh through my tears.
"You really think I was meant for you?" I grin at him.
"Yes," and with that he goes on one knee in front of me.
"Mackenna Leander, would you be willing to spend eternity with me? Will you marry me?" I laugh a little.
"Yes," he slides the ring onto my finger and stands up. He is smiling ear to ear. He grabs my face and kisses me. I grab him around the waist. We kiss more passionately. He grips onto my hips. I pull him towards the bedroom. We kiss the whole way there. I close the door behind us.

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