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With the chains bound around my wrists, the two Frost Giants take me to a place that looks like an empty hole. Laufey is standing at the opposite side of the hole. He nods to the Frost Giants standing at my sides. It confuses me. The Frost Giant to my left takes the end of the chain and hangs it to a chunk of ice above the hole. The Giant to my right rips off my suit leaving me only wearing pants. He hits me in the back, I stumble and fall over the edge of the hole. I am hanging over the vast hole with only the chains that are bound around my wrist. I grunt as I swing on the chains.
"This is truly a shame. The great Loki, bound in chains before me," he teases.
"And what for? To save his Midgardian lover? I will start a war, I will kill every single Asgardian who steps in my path. I will change you. I will make you hate them so much you will be blinded. You will not see her, and I will make you kill her. And just before the light leaves her eyes I will awaken you to show what you have done," he taunts me.
"I will never let you," I spit through my teeth.
"You think you have a choice? You think you can fight my control? You are a Frost Giant, and I will take you as my own once more!" He yells at me. It looks as though he has a whip of ice. It flies towards me and a high speed and strikes me across the chest. My scream is echoed through the icy walls.
"I will break you Loki," Laufey says to me. I'm breathing heavily. One of the Frost Giants swings me forward and I land on the ice in front of Laufey. He laughs. He bends down in front of me and touches my bare skin. I can feel myself shudder. I open my eyes and see my blue hands.
"Odin never truly loved you. He never truly cared. He doesn't want you with Mackenna. He would rather you be in a prison locked up, away from the world. He hates you. He thinks you are nothing," he whispers to me.
"SHUTUP!!" I yell.
"But you know it's true. Every single word of it. You are a Frost Giant. Mackenna will never truly love you with that part of you. She will never truly except it," he whispers again. I can feel him getting me. I can feel myself loosing who I truly am. I begin to think every word that he speaks is true. I try to fight his control but he is getting into my head. My eyes snap open.
The Asgardians will die, and so will Mackenna.
I wake with the sun shining in my eyes. I sit up in bed. Orange light is dancing around the room. One of the beams hits Loki's helmet and sets off beautiful spectrums of light throughout the room. I get up and put on my armour, preparing for another day of hard training. I pick up my helmet and place it on my head. It is surprisingly comfortable. I take the shield and hook it onto my arm armour. I take the sword and place it on my belt. I feel ready for any battle. I look at myself in the mirror. I look like I'm a god myself. I laugh at the thought.
I walk off for breakfast. I take off my helmet as I enter the dinning hall. I sit beside Thor. Sif joins us. Frigga is not her normal self. She is not happy as she usually is. After we finish I stand and walk out of the room. Sif comes to my side.
"I am impressed of your work yesterday. You are a fast learner," she says. I put the helmet back on my head.
"Thanks. When do we start?" I ask.
"Right away if you wish. After we finish your basic training we will unleash real creatures on you and we will see if you can defeat them. If so we are ready to fight the Giants," she tells me. I nod.
"Let's do this," I say. A grin spreads on my face and I run towards the practice grounds. I take the sword out and jump into the crowd of already fighting Warriors. I jump on top of one and he falls. I touch the sword to his neck and get up. Adrenaline pumps through my veins. I guess they were playing an elimination game because everyone I took down went and stood at the edge of the training place. I took down one more warrior and then I am face to face with Sif.
"Let's see if your training has payed off," she grins at me.
We circle each other. She screams and charges at me. I dodge her and end up opposite of her again. All of the sudden she uses my tactic of charging then disappearing. I know she is going to come from behind and hit me in the back. So I whip around and my sword hits her armour. She walks away with defeat. I hear a growl from behind me.
A gate is opening and is revealing a creature of some sort. I do not know what it is. The Warriors cheer. I put my shield up in front of myself. The creature shrieks as it sees me in front of it. It knows I am challenging it.
It examines me and begins to circle. It beats it's front paws down on the ground. I scream a battle cry and run after it. It opens its wide jaws. I charge for it. It swallows me whole. Gross. I use my sword while I am inside its throat. I cut it open. I feel it's body fall. I pull myself out of its throat and back into its mouth. With all the strength I can muster I open its mouth and jump out. I fall to the ground in a heap of saliva. I rip my helmet off my head and wipe off as much saliva as I can. I laugh. There is compete silence around me. When I sit up the Warriors are all staring at me with a look of complete shock.
"What? I took self defence lessons when I was a kid," I say. Sif comes out of the crowd and walks over to me.
"Never have I seen that tactic be used. I have never seen a warrior that brave to jump into a creatures body and destroy them from the inside. That was amazing!" She exclaims. She smiles and helps me up. Odin's booming voice diverts everyone's attention to him.
"Mackenna has proven herself ready for battle! We are ready to rage war against the Frost Giants! Prepare yourself! We will enter Jotunheim at dawn on this very day in a week," he announces. I have a week to prepare to fight against Loki. Eternity could not prepare me for this battle.

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