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I wake with a jerk. I don't know why. Last night was the best night ever. He had made me feel so good. I still have a tingly feeling through my body. I look over at him. The blanket is up to his waist, leaving his chest bare. I look at the time. Noon. Wow. I slap Loki on the stomach. He grunts.
"Wake up sleepy head," I tell him. He doesn't move. I smirk. I sneak out of the bed and put on a robe. I tip toe to the fridge and find the whipped cream Alexis had brought. I shake it up. I grab my fuzzy pencil and go back to my room. Of all the childish things I have ever done I can't believe I'm doing this. I squirt the whipped cream on his hand that ever so conveniently sits palm up. I tickle his nose. He uses his other hand. Damn. I try again and this time uses the hand with the whipped cream. I watch it get closer to his face then- SPLAT. I laugh so hard. I feel like a kid again. Loki's eyes snap open.
"Haha. Very funny," he says as he wipes off his face. Then he whips the cream that is in his hand into my face.
"Hahaha!" I laugh. I take the bottle of it. I pin him to the bed and squirt it all over his face. He laughs as gently pushes me off. I drop the bottle. He sits up with me on his lap. He kisses me. I taste whipped cream when his lips meet my own. I pull away.
"I think I need a shower now," I say as I look at the whipped cream covered robe. I splat my hand on his face and walk to the bathroom. I put the robe in the laundry and get into the shower. I watch the whipped cream wash down the drain. I laugh at my immature stunt.
Me and Loki need to start planning for the wedding. Hopefully we can have a spring wedding. In April or something. I turn off the water and dry myself off. I go to my room and get dressed. Loki gets in the shower. I walk to the kitchen and make some breakfast for myself. With the plate in my hand I go to the computer and turn it on. I search for a hall and a church that has an opening on the same day. It's hard but I find an opening on the 1st of May. Loki comes beside me.
"I found a day for the wedding," I tell him.
"What day?"
"May 1st. Is that okay?" I ask.
"It's fine. Better call before someone takes it," I kiss him.
"Thank you. For everything," I tell him.
"I love you. But I do have a question. How do you have money? You never worked from what I heard,"
"Oh, yeah. My other fiancé was like super rich and left all his money to me," I shrug. I pick up the phone and call the church. They are open for that day so I book it. Me and Loki just have to go in and sign some paperwork. Let's see how this'll go. I phone the hall and book for that day as well. They just tell me the price. I'm already getting a headache. After an hour I have the guest list that includes my family and my closest friends. Loki seems unhappy when he sees the list.
After I did all that I just sit on the couch. I rub my pounding head. I never thought that this would be such a headache. Loki comes and sits beside me. I put my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes.
"I never thought I would have such a headache after doing that," I mumble.
"What do we have left to do anyway?" He asks.
"Make invitations to my ever so small crowd. Send them out. Get wedding dress. Get a suit for you. Sign paperwork. Parties. And I can't think of any more,"
"Yeah. Seems like a lot. I'll help you for the most part. Except for the wedding dress of course,"
"Then we should start. I'll head to town and get special paper for the invitations. You make them," I get up off the couch. I kiss him on the cheek and go to the garage. My truck is sitting there with a good layer of dust on it. I grab the keys of their hook. I open the garage and get in my truck and drive away. I was surprised by how easily it started. I drive to town. I go to the supply shop and get the nicest paper they have. On my way out I bump into Leah, my other friend.
"Mackenna? Holy crap I haven't seen you in so long!" She exclaims.
"Leah!" We hug.
"What are you doing here?" She asks. We walk into the parking lot.
"I was getting paper for invitations,"
"Invitations for my wedding,"
"Your wedding? Who is he? Where did you meet him? When? You have to tell me everything!" She squeals in my ear. I laugh.
"Yes my wedding. His name is Loki Laufeyson. I met him at my place. And the wedding is on May 1st,"
"Loki? As in the Norse god?"
"Weird. Well I got to go. Call me when it's time to go shopping for the dress," she waves at me and goes into her car. I get in my truck and go home. I park the truck in the garage and go inside with the paper. I walk over to Loki and look at his work. It's amazing how well he did on them. The card simply says:
Please join us as we unite Loki Laufeyson and Mackenna Leander on the first of May.
It has the location of the church and the hall and a whole bunch of contact information. I smile at him. I kiss him on the cheek.
"You think we should print them off?" I ask. He nods. I read the guest list.
"Print 30 of them. I guess not a lot of people are coming," I'm disappointed in the lack of people. We get all 30 of them printed and in envelopes. By the time we are done its 8:00pm and I'm exhausted. I make a small dinner and crawl into bed with Loki.

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