Chapter 18

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Seonghwa and I decided that we should try and sleep a bit before going to university in the morning.

"Seonghwa, can I stay with you? I don't sleep well often but I was struggling more earlier. I will just sleep on the floor so I don't bother you." I nervously asked. He might be uncomfortable sleeping in the same room.

Seonghwa smiled over to me. "Of course you can. You are not sleeping on the floor though. I don't want you waking up aching so you can sleep on my bed. There is plenty of room for both of us if you are comfortable with that of course. If not, I will stay on the floor."

"No, no. If the floor is uncomfortable then why would I let you sleep on it too. We can share if you are ok with it as well. It is your bed after all." I blushed.

"I am fine with it y/n."

We both got into the bed but stayed with bit of distance between the two of us but we still faced each other. Seonghwa lifted his arm and stroked the side of my face making me feel more sleepy.

"Thank you Seonghwa!" I mumbled which was barely audible as I was dropping off to sleep.

No one's POVAll of the boys were up at the rooftop wondering where their other two friends were

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No one's POV
All of the boys were up at the rooftop wondering where their other two friends were. Both Seonghwa and y/n didn't turn up for their classes today. It was normal for Seonghwa to skip some lessons but y/n was always at university so some of the guys worried.

Wooyoung panicked the most. After what he had witnessed the other day, he hoped y/n didn't try the same thing again. This made him worry more and more and the others began to notice when Wooyoung's breathing got more rapid.

"Are you ok Woo?" Yeosang asked concerned for the person in front of him.

"You need to breath Wooyoung!" San panicked. The guys hadn't seen him in this state since Nari died which confused them.

"I need to find y/n now!" Wooyoung stressed, jumping up from the bench but was soon pulled back by Hongjoong.

"What's wrong Wooyoung? Why are you so worried?"

"I need to see y/n now! I NEED TO FIND HER!" Wooyoung torn himself from Hongjoong's grip and ran away.

San and Yeosang followed Wooyoung while the others stayed, wondering why he had freaked out so much.

"Why is he so worried about y/n? She isn't a child. I'm sure she can look after herself for a day." Jongho groaned.

"It is weird that she isn't here though. She comes to university everyday without fail." Yunho answered, annoyed by the youngest boys tone.

Yeosang and San had now caught up with a distraught Wooyoung who wasn't willing to tell them why he freaked out so much. The three had decided to go to y/n's house to check if she is home.

Meanwhile, y/n and Seonghwa were still fast asleep in bed, cuddled up to each other. The two decided this morning to stay home as they were already late for university and they were still tired from last night so they went back to sleep. Somehow the two had shifted closer as they slept.

Seonghwa started to stir from his peaceful sleep. He realised that this sleep was the best sleep that he had in a long time. It was the same for y/n.

Seonghwa felt himself cuddling into something or more like someone. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he had his arm draped around y/n as she clung onto him. He smiled at the thought but worried about how y/n would react so he went to move away.

Before Seonghwa could even move away, y/n opened her eyes. She smiled then closed them again but her eyes shot open again when she realised how close the two were.

When y/n realised that Seonghwa didn't look disgusted or angry, she calmed down a little and mumbled a "morning."

Seonghwa greeted y/n back and began talking. "I'm sorry we are so close. We must have cuddled up to each other in our sleep."

Y/N blushed at the fact that the two were still cuddling. "It's fine. I'm comfortable anyway and I slept much better than usual."

"Me too." Seonghwa's cheeks went a little brighter than usual. Yes Seonghwa may be known as a bad boy but he has never had a relationship or has been intimate with anyone so this was all new to him as well as y/n.

"What shall we do today?" Seonghwa asked.

"Can we have a movie day? It is nearly Halloween and I haven't watched a single Halloween movie yet." Y/N gave Seonghwa her puppy eyes which he instantly gave into making y/n grin when he told her yes.

"Let's have some food first. It is 1:30pm and we haven't even eaten yet." Seonghwa suggested.

The two walked downstairs and into the kitchen, still in their nightwear. As Seonghwa started pouring drinks, there was a knock at the door. More like a bang actually.

'This person must have needed Seonghwa desperately' y/n thought. Seonghwa walked over to open the door but as he did, a storm came with the visitor.

"Seonghwa, I AM FREAKING OUT. Y/N didn't come to university today and I am worried. She isn't at her house or anybody else's and I'm scared for her. Please help me find her! I need to know that she is ok." Wooyoung begged as tears streamed down his face. Seonghwa was dumbfounded and confused. 'Y/N is here' he thought.

"I need to find her." Wooyoung mumbled.

"He is really worried about y/n. I don't know why he is so worried but it isn't like her to not turn up for her lessons."

"Who's at the door?" Asked the small voice of y/n.

"I'm going crazy Seonghwa! I can even hear her voice. Please help me find her." Wooyoung pleaded.

Seonghwa swung the door open fully. "Found her!"

"Y/N, WHY ARE YOU HERE? ARE YOU OK? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN? WHY ARENT YOU AT UNIVERSITY?" Wooyoung questions while pushing past Seonghwa to bring y/n into a tight hug.

"Wooyoung, I'm fine. I ended up staying at Seonghwa's house last night as we met up and it was raining so Seonghwa let me stay over. We overslept and decided to skip university today." Y/N informed Wooyoung who wasn't convinced by her words. She may have lied but She didn't want the other two boys knowing all of her issues too.

"We overslept? As in you slept together?" Asked a smirking Yeosang.

Seonghwa and y/n blushed but y/n spoke up. "Not like that!" She groaned but tried to cover her embarrassment.
Sorry this is late! I have been leaving the house for work at 7am and I have not been getting home from work till 10pm. I will try and update more often!

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