Chapter 3

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"Can you not leave me alone for one day?" I asked. Apparently not.

"What will be the fun in that?" Seri smirked. Her friends laugh along with her but Yunho who Seri clung to did not.

"I need to get to class!" I went to walk past Seri but she grabbed my arm with her free hand, pulling me back.

"Class can wait, you nerd! You have the highest marks in the whole university anyway so why not let someone else be first for a change?" Seri snarled.

I tried to pull out of her grip but it was no use. Her nails were clawing me so her grip was better. I hissed in pain and she let go of Yunho. With her newly free hand, she grabbed my neck and pushed me towards a locker. Yunho watched with his eyes wide. He knew that Seri hated me but I don't think he has ever witnessed her hurting me as he would usually hang around with his friends at lunch.

"Seri, do you need to do this? She hasn't done anything to you." Yunho frowned.

"You think she hasn't done anything to me? She is the reason my birth mum didn't want me." Seri shrieked. Yunho looked surprised as if he had never seen this side of Seri.

"Seri, just let her go." He demanded. She ignored him and held on tighter making it hard for me to breathe.

"What's going on?" Wooyoung asked, coming over with San and Yeosang. The only reason I knew their names were because they are the most popular guys in the university along with their other friends Hongjoong, Yunho, Mingi, Seonghwa and Jongho (my closest friend). I never met up with these guys though. It was always just Jongho and I. I don't even know if they knew we were best friends. He might not have told them.

"Nothing that concerns you Wooyoung. Go back to smoking on the rooftop with the rest of your friends and mind your own business." Seri retorted wanting everyone to mind their own business. I felt my airway closing up as Seri still had me in her grasp.

"It is a concern when you are pinning someone up against a locker and they cannot breathe properly." He hissed pulling Seri's hand away from my neck. He then pushed her aside. I let out heavy breaths, trying to get air into my lungs but my legs went limp in the process making me fall to the floor.

San ran over, trying to help me up but my legs still felt like jelly so he held me up for support.

"You guys are no fun. I was only teasing her." Seri seethed.

"Teasing her doesn't involve physical contact. That is bullying! You need to learn the right definitions for the words you use!" Yeosang scoffed.

Seri huffed and pulled Yunho away with her and her friends followed like sheep. Yunho did not look happy with Seri at all.

"Are you alright?" San asked with his voice filled with concern. I nodded even though I didn't feel alright.

"You should come with us. You need your injuries checked." Wooyoung told me. I didn't want to argue as he seemed stubborn and probably wouldn't let me go alone anyway. I just nodded, letting them walk me to the infirmary.

Wooyoung held onto my hand while carefully pulling me along with him and the others because I was dragging behind a little bit. Honestly, I didn't want them to get hate for helping me so I tried to keep my distance but Wooyoung wasn't having any of it.

We stood infront of the infirmary but I hesitated to go in there. The guys looked confused at my hesitation. "I don't want to go in their!" I frowned.

"The nurse will help you with your injuries. You don't need to be frightened." San said.

"The nurse is fed up of me ending up in here everyday. She thinks I am fighting people and that is why I keep ending up in the infirmary." I sighed.

"We know someone who is great with treating people's injuries. He treats ours if we ever get hurt. We will need to go to the rooftop to our hangout though. Is that ok?" Yeosang asked. I nodded shyly and walked with the boys, Wooyoung's hand still in mine.

I blushed at the thought of having physical contact with Wooyoung. I have always had a little crush on him but he is popular and would never see me the same way. Plus, he doesn't do relationships. He likes to just sleep with girls but let's them know beforehand that this is all he wants which is fair enough. I wish I could be that confident.

"You're name is y/n, right? You are Jongho's best friend since you were 4?" San questioned. I nodded.

"Yes, that's me!" Maybe they have seen me around with Jongho.

"He talks about you all the time! We thought he had a crush on you but when we started teasing him about it he told us how you had already tried out a relationship and you both decided to stay as best friends because it was a family kind of love." When San said that I blushed at the fact Jongho had told them. I didn't think he would talk much about me but I am wrong.

"Wow! He told you that? Jongho is more like a sibling to me too." I'm not angry at him for telling them. After all, they are his close friends.  Plus, why should it matter if people know?

"We're here!" Yeosang shouted walking through the door to the rooftop.

"Yeosang, did you have to shout that loud? You woke me up." A voice growled.

"Oops, sorry but we needed your help!" He mumbled to the voice. I looked at the person who rubbed his eyes after waking up realising. It was Seonghwa. When he saw me, his eyes widened in shock.

"Why are we letting random people up here now? I thought this place was just for us." Seonghwa frowned.

"Seonghwa, don't be so rude." Another voice said from the corner of the room. It was Hongjoong who was sat with Mingi.

"She needs you to check her injuries." Wooyoung pleaded.

"And why can't she go to see a nurse?" Seonghwa asked annoyed.

"The nurse doesn't like me being there everyday. She is fed up of having to treat my injuries because she thinks I get into lots of fights but... I don't." I trailed off. I noticed Seonghwa's face was still blank.

Why is he so... empty?

He always held back any emotions from showing. Both times I have spoken to him now, he doesn't show any emotions.

"Ok, I will look at your injuries but don't expect me to help you again." I frowned at his words. Looks like I will just have to fix myself from now on. Physically and mentally.

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