Chapter 14

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I did the first thing I could think of. I ran! I couldn't bare Jongho to get anymore mad at me so I ran with tears streaming down my face.

I went through the back door, ran through the house and past the kitchen where everyone else still was. I bumped into someone and looked up to see San.

"Y/N, are you ok?" San asked.

I shook my head, running out of the house and down the street towards my house. I ran for about 15 minutes and arrived.

No ones POV
"What happened?" Seonghwa asked San. San shrugged and Wooyoung walked in.

"Jongho had a go at y/n because she didn't tell him about Seri hurting her. Then he said about me sleeping with her which didn't happen so whoever said that is in deep shit."

"What is y/n's address?" Seonghwa pleaded.

"Why?" Asked San.

"Just tell me for fuck sake!" Seonghwa stressed. San told him the address and Seonghwa ran out of the house to go and find y/n. He guessed that she either went to San's house or back to her own.

The others looked confused as to why Seonghwa stressed out so much but Wooyoung was also panicking too and decided to find y/n.

"What's up with those two?" Mingi asked confused. Everyone shrugged and they carried on cleaning up.

Meanwhile Y/N was now in her bathroom shaking in panic and thinking how terrible she is.

He hates me!

I am such a bad best friend!

Maybe I am not good enough for him!

'You should have never been born!' Y/N heard Seri's voice in her thoughts.

'You should have died, then I could have had my real mum'

'Kill yourself. You will be doing everyone a favor'

"Ahhhhhhh" y/n screamed with tears still running down her face, trying to get the voices out of her head.

She then heard a knock at the door but ignored it as she knew it would be one of Seri's online clothing orders.

'Maybe I should listen to the voices' she thought.

'Nobody would miss me. Jongho even hates me now. I have no one.'

Y/N grabbed her razor blade and looked at the shiny object. 'So beautiful' She thought to herself.

Y/N bought the sharp object to her wrist.

Just as she was about to make a cut, a hand moved hers away from her wrist.

"Please don't!" A voice cried out.

"Don't do it please!" The voice cried out again.

The person took the blade out of y/n's grip and she dropped to the floor; hugging her legs as she sobbed.

Seonghwa sat down by y/n's side, pulling her into his embrace.

"Why did you have to come? I want to die. I could have made everyone happier if I disappeared from their lives."

"No one would have been happier. It would have broken everyone." Seonghwa frowned. 'Did y/n really think that nobody would care if she was gone? Is this how Nari felt?'

"Seri would have been happy and Jongho hates me too."

"Jongho doesn't hate you. He just doesn't understand why you never told him things that you wanted to keep to yourself. You didn't want to worry him or stress him out. That's all right? If he knew that then I'm sure he would be fine with you and you would still be best friends."

Wooyoung then came running upstairs to see the y/n being comforted by Seonghwa. Wooyoung sighed in relief. He saw the twos vulnerable states and embraced them both into a hug.

Wooyoung suddenly got a wave of emotions come crashing towards him.

The trio were broken. You wouldn't think that when you see them with their friendship group as they are always happy but behind closed doors, they are broken.

"Please don't hurt yourself y/n! I don't want to lose my friend. I wouldn't be able to deal with that." Wooyoung begged. "I have already said this but I will help you through this. No one else needs to know if you don't want them too."

"I also said that I will help you through this. I didn't realise that Wooyoung and I were the only one that knew though. Please come to one of us if you need anything. Even if it is something small that may not seem like a big deal. Otherwise it will all build up until you crack again and again." Seonghwa's eyes were showing desperation. Desperation for y/n to promise that she would go to one of them if she ever needed to blow some steam off or talk about anything.

Y/N nodded "I will come to you both if I need to. I won't do anything stupid anymore." Y/N also looked over to Seonghwa and spoke up again. "I am also sorry for calling you 'Hwa'. I didn't know that you felt sensitive about the name and I shouldn't have called you that anyway since we are only just beginning to know each other. I was just a little bit tipsy and couldn't really control what I was doing or saying. It was my first time drinking after all so I didn't know how I would be."

"Don't worry about it y/n." Seonghwa smiled over to y/n.

"Wooyoung, I'm also sorry that you had to look after me in my drunken state. I will try and control my drinking better next time so that I don't get in a state again. And so I don't get a hangover. They suck!"

Wooyoung laughed. "Don't worry y/n. This will not be your last hangover if you are friends with us!" Seonghwa and I laughed along.

"What do I do about Jongho?" I asked the two.

"He will come around eventually. He won't let his 14 year friendship end just like that." Wooyoung expressed his thoughts.

"Let's get you back to San's house before the cow comes home." I laughed at Seonghwa's remark. We got up and left not bumping into Seri luckily.
Who is Nari and how is she related to this?

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