Chapter 1

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"You are a worthless piece of shit! I don't know why mum and dad wanted to keep you! I'm pretty sure they would have been happier if it was just me. You know what! If it wasn't for you I would probably be living with my blood related mother right now." My sister Seri shouted as she pushed me to the ground.

The family we live with adopted the two of us when we were born. Our actual mother felt like she was too young and didn't have the money to bring up two children so she put us both up for adoption. After all, she was a single mother which I could understand her decision she made. Seri on the other hand was always full of anger and blamed our blood related mother leaving us on me.

Our adopted parents are great though! Except for when they compare me to my sister. I hate that but we call them mum and dad as they have bought us up for our whole lives. They are more of a parent figure than my real parents who I have no idea who and where they are.

I felt a weight on the side of my waist. I was currently lying down on the floor, in the corridors of the university. Seri had her foot on my waist, applying an unbearable pressure to my side. She then started kicking me like you would kick a football. You would have thought that this drama from school would have stopped as you think everybody is mature enough now but apparently not.

I noticed that a crowd had started to form. It always happened. No one ever helped me out though other than Jongho but he was in class so he couldn't help me out.

I turned onto my side but that made it worse. Seri started using my stomach as a punch bag for her feet. I literally felt like I couldn't breathe properly. I started to lose my sight, seeing nothing but a blur.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" An unfamiliar voice shouted. Everyone gasped in shock and I heard everyone's footsteps. I think they ran away from the scene.

"I am teaching the bitch a lesson!" My sister hissed.

"Well leave her alone unless you want to deal with me. I don't usually hurt girls but I wouldn't mind hurting you!" The guy snapped.

"What ever!" Seri answered and I'm guessing she walked away as I could hear heels click against the stone cold floor.

I didn't hear much more as I suddenly lost consciousness.

2 hours later I awoke in a familiar room that I spend way too much time in

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2 hours later
I awoke in a familiar room that I spend way too much time in. I looked around to see if the person who saved me was in the room. I had no luck though as it was just me.

Soon, the nurse came in and started talking to me. "Y/N, why is it always you that is in this infirmary? You need to stop getting into so many fights."

I wish this could all stop. I really do but I know that there was no way out of this until I leave and go separate ways from my sister.

You might be wondering 'why didn't you go to a different university?' I tried! I decided on going to a different one that she had planned to go to but she somehow found out where I was going and joined the same university. It sucks, I know.

"Do you know who bought me here? I passed out before I could see who helped me." I asked with a pleading look.

"I'm sorry but I don't. You were already in here when I came back from my break so I didn't see anyone. Great, I didn't get to find out who saved me.

The person obviously didn't want me to know otherwise he might have stayed. Maybe he had a lesson to attend so he had to leave. Probably not though. He just didn't want me to know that he saved me so he wouldn't feel like he had to again. Hmm, that was probably it.

I looked at the time and it was now 2:30pm. I had missed my maths lecture which I really needed to attend so I can get a decent grade to pass. I think I have spent more time this year in the infirmary than in my maths lectures so far.

After another 10 minutes, I decided to get up and go home. I was supposed to wait for Jongho to finish but I messaged him saying I wasn't feeling well so I'm going straight home.

I was walking home in the pouring rain. I was drenched! I didn't bring a coat or umbrella as the sun was shining this morning. I guess you can never rely on the weather forecast these days.

I was now about half way home when I walked over the bridge I walk across everyday. I stopped as I got to the middle and looked over the barrier to see the drop. I had never bothered to look at the water. I just walked over the bridge in my own world most of the time.

Today was different though. I had certain thoughts clouding my mind.


'No one will care'

'You should do it'

'You are a disappointment'

'Why can't you be more like your sister?'

I squatted down bringing my head to my knees and covered my head with my arms trying to get the thoughts out of my mind.

I began sobbing to myself knowing that the voices would never disappear. Even if they did, I would still hear the same words from my sister daily.

I need to get rid of the thoughts now. There was only one way to do it quickly.

I stood back up, looking down at the water. I went to climb onto the railing knowing that this was my only way out.

Before I could even stand on the railing, I was pulled down by someone.

Someone who gripped onto me tightly and wouldn't let go of me. "Please don't do this to yourself, it is not the right path for you y/n!"

It was him. The same voice of the guy who saved me earlier on. I turned around to look at him but he had his hood up and a mask covering his mouth and nose. All I could see were his blue eyes and some of his jet black hair. I have never seen anyone with eyes so beautiful before.

"Who are you and why did you save me? I don't want to be saved!" I asked looking into his eyes. Tears were still running down my face.

"I'm someone you do not want to know and I saved you because you deserve to live. You should live your life to your fullest without feeling the need to do silly things. Please don't try to do that again though. I don't think your family would like to hear that there daughter jumped off a bridge and no one could save her in time." The mysterious guy spoke up.

"I don't think they would care to be honest. As long as my sister is fine, they will be happy." I mumbled.

The guys eyes showed concern. He patted and rubbed my shoulder for comfort. It felt good to have some sort of comfort right now. Even if it was only temporary.
So how do you like the first chapter? It is very dramatic but that is how I like my stories. It makes it more appealing to read!

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