Chapter 13

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As my eyes opened, I felt pain shoot through my head. I let out a cry and sat up seeing someone's head leaning on the bed.

The head shot up and I saw who it was. It was Wooyoung. How did we even get in here? The last thing I remember is Seonghwa having a go at me for giving him a nickname and then me getting more alcohol. Everything after that is a blur.

"What happened last night?" I groaned while gripping onto my head.

"You drank a lot and ended up passed out here. Luckily I got you to the room before you passed out." Wooyoung answered. Wooyoung looked like he had barely slept. Also, why was he asleep at the side of the bed? It must have been uncomfortable.

"Why did you sleep on the floor here?" I asked.

"I was worried about you." Wooyoung sighed. Worried? Why? Was I that drunk?

"Y/N, why do you cause yourself so much pain?" Wooyoung asked with pleading eyes.

What does he mean? I don't cause myself pa... Oh shit! I couldn't even look at him. He is probably disgusted in me. I bet he thinks I am a freak. He is going to tell the others and they will hate me too.

I cowered under the covers so I didn't have to see his reaction.

"Y/N?" Wooyoung spoke then added. "Please talk to me... Don't keep this all to yourself... It will only hurt more in the long run... y/n, I can help you... I won't tell anyone else about this... I didn't even mean to see it. I was just helping you change because you couldn't do it yourself and you asked me to help. I promise that it was an accident."

"Do you hate me for doing it?" I asked with a sorrowful gaze.

Wooyoung held onto both of my hands and sighed. "Y/N, I would never hate you because of this. You just need someone to be there for you."

"Please don't tell the others. I don't want them thinking I am disgusting or weird for doing it. I have tried to stop but it's harder than I thought it would be. It helps me forget about the pain I have caused my sister and the pain she causes me."

Wooyoung pulled me into a hug as said my last few words. I could hear him sniffing as he comforted me.

"Y/N, I will help you. I will help you stop. Just please try not to do this anymore. I am not going to let someone I care about hurt themselves again." Wooyoung traced my scars  as he whispered the last part.

Again? What did he mean again? I wanted to ask him about what he just said but he didn't look ready to tell me yet so I left it at that.

"I think you should tell San though. After all, you are living with him at the moment." Wait, how does Wooyoung know that? We only told him that I stayed the night.

"I'm not living with him! I just stayed the night." I blushed.

"San tells me everything y/n. Well unless it is a huge secret then he doesn't but we are best friends so he told me about how you are staying with him. He didn't go into full detail about why though. I just know that you said he offered to let you stay."

Of course he told Wooyoung. San wouldn't want him thinking that he had a one night stand with someone like me. I saw Wooyoung's smirking face when we went to the shopping centre and San told him that I stayed over. San probably felt embarrassed when he suggested that.

"Are you secretly together though? I won't tell anyone if you are! You two would make a cute couple." Wooyoung grinned.

"No, we aren't together. Nobody would be with someone like me." I whispered the last part which Wooyoung obviously didn't hear because he asked me to say it again but I told him it didn't matter.

I looked at my watch and it was now 11am. Wow, I haven't slept for this long in a while but yet I still feel drained. It must have been the alcohol. We decided to go downstairs to get food and some aspirins for my headache.

As we came downstairs, I could hear hushed voices coming from the kitchen but I couldn't hear what they were saying. As we walked in the kitchen, the talking stopped and everyone stared at us surprised. I am confused. Why are they staring?

"Morning y/n, morning Wooyoung!" Hongjoong greeted, breaking the silence. We both said 'morning' back and Wooyoung walked over to the table and grabbed a slice of toast. I did the same and found a spare chair to sit on around the table. I sat in between Mingi and Jongho.

"I need to talk to you after breakfast." Jongho didn't look happy at all. He looked aggravated. What's wrong with him today? He is rarely like this.

After finishing my toast, I got dressed then Jongho and I went in the garden.

"What's up? Why are you in a mood today?" I questioned as I sat down on the chairs. Jongho didn't sit though. He just stood with a stone cold look.

"What's up? Why am I in a mood? Maybe because my best friend didn't tell me that her sister hurts her and physically bullied her. I know she is mean to you but you missed out the worst part. Why didn't you tell me? Am I not a good enough friend to you? Why do I have to find out from my friends who have been friends with you for like a day? Do you know how shit it makes me feel?"

"Jongho, I didn't..." I got cut off by an irritated Jongho.

"We have been friends since we were 4. You have known them for 2 minutes and you are already telling them things I don't even know. Why didn't you tell me? Am I not important to you? Also, why the hell would you sleep with Wooyoung?"

Wait, what?

"I What?"

"I know you have had a crush on him like forever but he doesn't do relationships and you know that so why would you stoop so low and fuck him. You can't change him. He doesn't want to be tied down to one person. Why would you even let yourself get that drunk anyway?"

What? Why does he think I slept with Wooyoung?

"I didn't sleep with him! Where did you even hear that?"

"You didn't?" Jongho's eyes widened.

"NO, I DIDN'T! Why would you even think that?"

Did my best friend really think I would just randomly sleep with someone because I liked them?

"Well you slept in the same room and came downstairs together. Plus, you have lied to me about your sister too. I don't know what to believe anymore."

"That doesn't mean that I fucked him. He helped me. I couldn't find you all night and I found Seonghwa while looking for you. He then flipped out and had a go at me because I gave him a nickname. Then I drank more because it upset me and I don't remember the rest but Wooyoung told me that he found me drunk in the hallway upstairs so he helped me get to my room and we must have fell asleep there. He even fell asleep on the floor. Also, I didn't tell them that Seri hurts me. They saw it with their own eyes. I can't help that they found out before you."

I paused and asked Jongho "did you really think I would sleep with him? Do I look like the kind of person to do that?"

"I'm sorry y/n! I didn't mean to assume but everyone thought that..."

"Everyone? Is that what you were all mumbling about this morning? You should know me better Jongho. You are my best friend."

"Best friends tell each other everything though so what does that make us? I'm pretty sure it means that we aren't close enough to be best friends anymore." Jongho frowned.

"What?" I whimpered.

"I guess we aren't best friends after all."

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