Chapter 43

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No ones PoV
The fried chicken had arrived. Jihyun and the guys all dug in to the food while y/n just sat staring into space.

"Mummy, do you want some chicken?" Jihyun gave y/n a dough-eyed look.

"I'm alright sweetie. I'm not hungry at the moment."

"You always say that you are not hungry. You never eat with me!" Jihyun pouted.

Everyone was now concerned about y/n's eating habits and wondered if that is how she had lost more weight. Seonghwa started to worry in his mind wondering if y/n had enough money to feed herself and Jihyun. He thought maybe that is why she lost weight. He wished that y/n would have told him sooner so he could help with supporting Jihyun and they could have been a happy family. He then thought that maybe these thoughts were a bit selfish. What if y/n didn't actually want to be like a family with him. That might be why she stayed away for so long. Seonghwa's finally snapped out of his thoughts and took two pieces of chicken, giving one to y/n and the other for himself. Jihyun was stuffing her face with chicken so he didn't worry about her eating.

"Eat it!" Seonghwa spoke up, placing the chicken in y/n's hand.

"I'm not hungry Seonghwa!" A blank look plastered on y/n's face as she spoke up. Y/N then placed the chicken Seonghwa gave her her on Jihyun's plate.

"Daddy is right mummy. You need to eat something so you can be strong." Jihyun gave it back to her mother, refusing to eat that piece of chicken.

'One piece will not hurt, right?' Y/N thought to herself.

Y/N bit into the chicken; eating the piece she had been given. She only ate it to get Seonghwa off her back but refused any more pieces when offered.

Y/N stood up, making everyone look towards her. "I'm going to get some fresh air." Everyone nodded and y/n rushed out.

Seonghwa then stood up. "I'm going to check on y/n. Can you please look after Jihyun for a moment?"

"Sure, Jihyun will be fine with us looking after her!" Hongjoong said, patting Seonghwa's back.

Seonghwa ran out the door and chased after y/n. Luckily, she hadn't gotten very far. Seonghwa caught up with y/n and stood infront of her, stopping her from walking any further. Y/N looked stressed and Seonghwa could tell straight away.

"What's wrong beautiful? Why are you stressing out about eating a little bit of chicken?" Y/N looked up to Seonghwa and pulled him in for comfort. Seonghwa wrapped his arms around her back.

"I'm scared Seonghwa."

"Why are you scared? Eating chicken isn't going to hurt you." Seonghwa was clearly confused about the situation. 'Y/N was never overweight so why was she worrying so much?' He thought.

"After I had Jihyun, I was very overweight. I thought that I would lose it because it was fat from having a baby but I ended up eating more and gaining more weight.  Before I left, I was average but 10 months after having Jihyun, I was nearly double my weight. I had to do something about it so I did the first thing I could think of to lose weight; stop eating."

Seonghwa felt his heart break at the way y/n had become. 'If only I was there to help her though everything' he thought as he held y/n tighter. If only he knew what she was going through. Seonghwa knew that he couldn't go back and fix everything but he will try his hardest to help y/n through everything from now on.

"I know it was stupid of me but it is the only way I can lose weight and keep the weight off. At first, it was hard but I got used to it after a while. I'm just scared to gain weight again. I don't want to go back to how I was at that point of my life. I felt the same way that I did before you saved me but having Jihyun around helped me get rid of the thoughts."

"Why didn't you just come back home. I would have helped you. We all would have helped you. We would never leave you to get to that state again. Did Yeosang know about any of this?" Surely Yeosang would have told us about y/n if he had been speaking to her and knew how she was feeling at that time.

Y/N shook her head.

"I didn't want him to worry about me. He felt guilty enough at the fact that he knew where I was the whole time while you all had no idea. I didn't want to add anymore stress. I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry that I didn't tell you or the others Seonghwa. I didn't mean to scare anyone."

"Don't worry about it y/n. You are back now. At least we know you are safe." Seonghwa wiped away the tears that fell from y/n's eyes and kissed her forehead.

"Can we go back inside?" Y/N asked Seonghwa.

Seonghwa nodded and got hold of my hand, walking me back inside.

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