Chapter 8

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All the way to the shopping centre, we blasted music. I knew very few songs that they played. I didn't really listen to music often as I would rather just watch movies and tv shows. I might look up some music though so I can seem normal.  

"Do you not know this song either?" Asked Yeosang who is sat next to me. I shook my head. I thought that Yeosang was quite quiet at when I first met him but this car ride has made me realise that he is just as crazy as Wooyoung and San. It isn't a bad thing though. I want to be as outgoing as these guys one day. It must be great to give off the impression that they don't care about what anyone says about them.

We finally arrived and climbed out the car. The car didn't have doors at the back so we had to move the front chairs forward then climb out. I hated cars like this because it is awkward to get out of them. They do look better though.

Wooyoung and Yeosang had got bored of looking for an outfit for the party with me so they went across the street to the arcade and San wanted to stay with me

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Wooyoung and Yeosang had got bored of looking for an outfit for the party with me so they went across the street to the arcade and San wanted to stay with me. I don't know why though because if I could go to the arcade instead of shopping, I would.

After trying on what felt like 70 dresses, I think I found the perfect one. I looked in the mirror, loving the style of it. This dress was something I never thought I would wear or be able to pull off but it looked stunning.

I went out of the changing room to show San and when he looked over his mouth dropped.

Was it that bad?

Is it ugly on me?

"Wow y/n! You look beautiful." San grinned.

"The only issue is the price. It is more expensive than the others and there is no way I could ever afford this. It was great trying it on though."

"That sucks y/n! I wish I could help you too but I don't have enough money with me. We could come back and buy it tomorrow. I will bring my card too so I can help you pay for it." I shook my head at San's words.

"You are not paying for my dress. Also, you have classes tomorrow so you will not have time to come shopping as well. I will just have to find another one that is in my price range."

We found the boys in the arcade then decided to get some food. We came across a 'Taco Bell' which everyone happily agreed to having. I have only ever had a Taco Bell once which was with Jongho and it was delicious.

I decided on getting the chicken quesadilla with fries and Fanta. I payed for my food then waited for them to call out the number on my receipt. The guys ordered after me and Wooyoung payed. He offered to pay for mine too but I kindly declined saying that I would pay for my own.

We all got our food and looked for somewhere to sit. Luckily, there was one more table available that would fit the four of us on so we sat at that table.

"Did you guys see Seonghwa earlier? He came in the arcade just as we left. We asked if he wanted to join for food but he had already eaten earlier on." Yeosang asked. San shook his head.

"I didn't see him either." I mumbled.

"He must have been shopping for an outfit as well. He always buys a new outfit for each party he goes to." San spoke. Everyone nodded, agreeing.

He must have lots of money if he gets a new outfit every time he goes to a party. Or maybe he doesn't go to many. I doubt that though as his friends are always going to parties. Why am I even thinking about Seonghwa anyway?

I forget about all my thoughts and carry on eating my food. It was just as delicious as I remember it to be. I am definitely coming back for another one soon.

Wooyoung and Yeosang all of a sudden started to as me questions.

"So y/n, we want to get to know you more so is it ok if we ask questions?" Wooyoung asked. I nodded while biting my lip. It is something I have always done since I was young. I do it whenever I feel nervous or anxious.

"Do you have any other siblings other than the witch?" I laughed a little when Yeosang asked this.

"I don't think I do! Well none that I know of anyway." I answered making them look over confused.

"My birth mum left us to be adopted when we were born so if she has had any other children we don't know anyway. My adopted parents don't have any children either so it is just me and Seri." I answered to stop them from getting confused.

I heard a chorus of 'ohhh right's' and they started asking more questions about me. They asked about my favourite things to do, favourite animals, colours, foods, movies, drinks and all sorts. Honestly, I actually didn't mind answering these questions. They were questions I didn't expect.

I thought they were going to ask about my life but they only asked the first question about the siblings. I'm grateful for that as I don't know if I would be comfortable answering some questions. There was one question that popped up and I didn't know how to answer at first.

"How come you were at San's house this morning?" Wooyoung asked. I mean how do I even answer that without having to tell the whole truth. I guess they know that Seri hates me anyway.

"Urm, well, I kind of stayed over for the night." Wooyoung's mouth dropped when I answered the question and Yeosang looked confused.

"WHAT!" Wooyoung screeched in surprise.

"I didn't want to stay with Seri as my parents were away because I knew she would probably hurt me so I went on a walk, saw San and when I told him my issues, he offered to let me stay. I was going to stay at Jongho's but he has family from down south over already."

That was a good save. It isn't like I fully lied. I did see San but I kind of begged him to help but they don't need to know that. They also don't need to know that I didn't actually ask Jongho as he actually did have family around for the week which is why I haven't seen him yet this week.

"Ohhh right! I wouldn't want to stay with her either in all honesty. I don't know how Yunho puts up with her."

"They broke up. She came home quite angry last night." I blurted without thinking.

"Is that's why you went for a walk? Did she hurt you?" Yeosang asked and Wooyoung checked my face and neck for any marks. Luckily I had enough foundation on as I needed to cover the bruised eye and also a few other bruises on my body that were noticeable.

"She didn't hurt me. She just stormed straight upstairs to her room." I lied.

The two let out a sigh in relief and stopped checking over me. We finished eating and decided to go home. San dropped Yeosang and Wooyoung off and then drove home.

"You are quite a good liar, aren't you?" San whispered. I nodded and said "I have to be otherwise everyone would know what my sister does at home."

San frowned at the thought of y/n being hurt at home by Seri. "I will not let her hurt you again y/n. I promise!"
Has anyone been watching I-land??? This last episode was so stressful but also amazing!!!

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