Chapter 41

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"Mummy!" I felt a small shrug.

"Mummy! Wake up!"

This is my personal alarm. I woke up to this every morning and I have never needed an actual alarm since having Jihyun.

"Jihyun, just give me five more minutes. I'm tired!" I groaned and snuggled into the sheets more.

"But mummy, there is a man in your bed." I shot up from my bed and looked over to the 'man' in my bed. Seonghwa was still fast asleep. I forgot that he was here.

We were still both clothed so we didn't do anything together. I remember everything clearly from last night. Our conversations, telling Seonghwa about Jihyun and me letting him stay over.

Jihyun jumped onto the bed and cuddled into me.

"Who is he mummy?" Jihyun didn't seem to recognise Seonghwa from the pictures I shown her before. He does look different to our pictures together. He has his hair styled different now and he has changed the colour of it. Before, it was black but now it is silver.

Jihyun suddenly jumped off me and onto Seonghwa

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Jihyun suddenly jumped off me and onto Seonghwa. She tried to shrug him but it didn't wake him up so she started to jump on him.

"Wake up Mr!" She shouted.

"Jihyun, stop!" It was too late though. Seonghwa had already turned over and looked at her wide eyed.

Jihyun then mumbled "daddy" shocked.

So she did remember the photos I shown her!

Jihyun then cuddled into Seonghwa.

"I told Jihyun that you were working away for a while." I whispered to Seonghwa. I didn't want Jihyun to think badly of Seonghwa or I so I just told her that he was working far away when she asked about him. She never thought any differently about where he was.

Seonghwa accepted the cuddle and put his arms around Jihyun. He then closed his eyes falling to sleep again along with Jihyun.

I looked at the clock and read that it is 10:15am and I am supposed to be at Yeosang's for 11:00am.

I woke Seonghwa up briefly to tell him that we needed to go to Yeosang's house but he told me "you go and I will stay and look after Jihyun."

I asked him if he was sure and he said "yes, we will be fine. I will feed her and then we will play for a bit."

I felt a bit anxious leaving Jihyun but I know that Seonghwa knows what he is doing and will look after her.

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