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first of all hello my beautiful people, i know i know i haven't updated forever but i'm updating today. However i wanted to talk to you about something really important and i only have this platform to share my thoughts.

this topic is not about feminism but more like "humanism", girls are getting raped and killed and tossed around, people usually say "if she wasn't wearing that nothing would've happened",   or "i'm sure she provoked him" or "i'm sure she wasn't decent" we always put the blame on girls, and what's sad is that girls put the blame on girls too. If it was a question of clothing then why do they rape kids and why do they rape grandmothers.

there are many examples and victims with stories that saw the light such as the Korean 8 years old girl who got raped until her organs came out or the Indian 8 years old girl who got gang raped and killed or the woman in Bangladesh  who got gang raped in front of her husband or the 97 years old woman who got raped to death, now tell me judging from the age of these few victims that i stated do you think the 97 years old woman was wearing a revealing dress or the little angels, like they don't even freaking have mature bodies they didn't even develop yet. 

We find excuses for these rapists and it's disgusting, why not "he should be punished severely because he touched her in an appropriate way" instead of "she's the one who brought it upon herself" or "if she didn't go out late nothing would've happened". Women are freaking human beings too sometimes we need to go out at night sometimes we finish work or school late, sometimes we need pads so we go grab them because our dear males are too ashamed to go and grab them for us, sometimes we want to breathe go party see the night life just the way guys do it.

God created both of us so why do you think you have more rights than i do for God's sake.

Oh also abuse, people wouldn't interfere because " maybe he's her husband, it's none of my business", seriously even if he's her husband violence is violence and abuse is abuse and you have to stop it when it happens in front of you , the relationship between the abuser and the victim means nothing, because there's no excuse for abuse but NO we're living in a male world you sit right there and let them lead if you get molested you shut your mouth because people will see him as a MAN but you as a whore, if you get abused you shut your mouth because obviously you did something wrong otherwise he wouldn't beat you, if he's your husband and he wants se* and you don't want it and you get forced well that's not rape he's your husband it's his right.. you go home before it's dark, you wear decent clothes to not distract men and boys, you don't laugh too loud, you sit with closed legs, you don't shout, you talk calmly, you don't argue he knows better.

If you date you're a whore, if you have guy friends you're a slut, if you have never dated you are retarded, if you wear makeup ew you should be natural, if you don't ew you should take care of yourself a bit more, if you do plastic surgery ew you're plastic, if you're natural ew did you look at yourself in the mirror look at all these girls on social media, if you wear tight clothes you're asking for it if you wear long skirts you're so conservative that's not attractive.

once a man told me if you don't fight for your rights men will never give you their privileges.

Also if you haven't noticed males only take what serves them from religion and ignore what is not to their favor oh and about traditions honey they're all made by men. For example virginity matters and stuff like that. And what's more disgusting is that they don't care about science, if you bleed you're a virgin no other options you have to freaking bleed no matter what type of hymen god blessed you with.

Please be careful, nowadays all the laws are just written to shut us up but they're never applied, and if they're applied victims are scared to face the world and tell what happened to them because they're scared of family and society as if what happened to them is their fault.

If i continue writing about this i will write a whole book.

Oh and what's even worst is that we romanticize violence, abuse and rape in books till the point that i'm sure there are people who think that if their partners don't hurt them physically they don't love them, man it's so messed up, we all fall in the trap but please be careful and be aware that life is not a book nor a drama.

I don't know if you noticed but i'm trying my best to keep this book neutral, i might add somethings for the spice  but no details not because i can't but because i'm writing this book to touch your feelings not your hormones, i want you to feel warm, safe and happy while reading it and not feel a sexual frustration.

this was a much needed AN thank you for sticking around i hope you interact with me about such a topic and i will update soon stay safe beauties. 

Lycan King-Zanthus zayetzevWhere stories live. Discover now