8.1K 231 67


So my precious people we finally hit the 100K .

To be honest numbers do not matter and i'm not writing for fame, numbers or anything material, i'm just writing because it helps. It helps with my anxiety, it helps me forget my problems it helps me smile and to be honest i owe it all to you.

Guys this book is nothing without you, i wouldn't have made it this far and i know some people are hitting millions but i do not care because trust me it's not the number of reads that matter to me but the comments sometimes i update because i'm thirsty for your comments, i'm selfish i know but sometimes we face things that are greater than us and most of the times these things are our thoughts. i'm trapped, sometimes i'm scared to wake up and go out and face the world but i do either ways, sometimes i cry through it and try to give up but you just gotta do what you gotta do, i see the world move around me at a greater pace and i feel lost, than i start comparing and i feel lost again, i would get panic attacks and have problem breathing but then i try controlling the demons and smile just so my beloved ones don't get bothered by something they would never understand.. Then i read your comments and re-read them and i smile and that's my way to escape from myself and from everything around me.

Sometimes i hate everything, i hate myself, i hate my thoughts, i hate what's around me and i even hate where i'm going and then see how envious people are and wonder why?

then i ask myself what's wrong with me , what's wrong with my life and there's nothing wrong.

I hate author notes myself and i'm sorry am making you read this but i'm really thankful and you guys do not know how much you really mean to me.

This book is not just mine it's OURS.

Lycan King-Zanthus zayetzevWhere stories live. Discover now