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It got darker step by step, she opened her eyes slowly to see a shadow in the room ..
She waited until her sight adjusts to the darkness , the figure moved towards her making her move her knees towards her chest trying to disappear from fright .

The candle lit his face for her to see , she got even more scared if possible.. she shook in fear whimpering ..
He moved towards her menacingly taking his belt painfully slow, swinging it in the air making a scary noise, she flinched as her lips wobbled ..
He sat back on the chair moving it dangerously close to the bed .

He sat composed “ you know dear mate, I thought about many ways to punish you, but thinking about it I don’t want a scarred mate , neither do I like seeing you scared , I don’t want to hurt your tiny body .. still you’re getting a punishment. “

“ w..what .. are .. you …going to d-“ she stuttered gulping
“ maids packed for everything we're going back to the castle tonight .”
“ is .. this, my punishment?”
“ No , you won’t be visiting  your grandparents for a year and I’m going to deal with you when we get home .”  he glared standing up

She couldn’t even speak , she knew she had to be quiet and obey his orders so he doesn’t hurt her.

“ why ?” she whispered gaining his attention
He looked at her with questioning eyes
“ why did you kill these people?” she asked tears falling down her cheeks.
“ they were bad people , I’ve got my reasons wren .” he spoke seriously
“ you .. sniff .. don’t have the right to ..k-“
He held her chin between his fingers roughly “ I give rights , I am the law .. you understand!” he exclaimed .. she nodded in fear.

“ let’s go !”
She hesitated then  moved walking carefully after him .

The festival was still going and people were still celebrating .. he didn’t even let her see her grandparents, he escorted her to her carriage and proceeded riding his horse while his soldiers and maids were everywhere behind them .

She felt something weird in her heart , she didn’t like the feeling, she was scared , she played with her fingers nervously .. she knew he won’t be gentle when they get home, her husband is a merciless man and an alpha king at that , she heard a maid talk about how werewolves are extra possessive and overprotective..

She has always been scared of him let alone now when his angry at her .. she didn’t like the carriage .. the road is quite bumpy and two horses guiding it was no fun .

She knocked on the little wooden window opening it slowly “ your grace !’’ spoke a maid walking next to her carriage

“stop the carriage please. “ she spoke politely
The maid told a soldier who himself informed the king, he turned around with his horse towards her stopping the carriage .. she got down carefully not to trip on her dress .

He descended from his horse walking towards her menacingly, his anger still on its highest , she shivered in fright looking down ..
“ what’s wrong little thing .” he asked trying to reign his anger, he noticed how scared and frightened she is ..
She looked up at him with wet eyes and wobbling lips “ I don’t want to sit in the carriage, I want, … you .. I.. I want to ride your horse with .. you. “ she whispered playing with the fabric of her dress .

He felt all the more overprotective.. he held her little hand in his huge one guiding her towards his horse , he put her on it and climbed after her hugging her waist to himself with his left arm as her legs dangled from the left side , she felt so petite in his arm , her head on the same level as his chest , he was huge and taller even when sitting, abnormal indeed but she is a tiny human and his an alpha a king , the strongest lycan – enormous –
She put a tiny hand on the arm holding her in her place between his strong legs ..
“ I’m .. sorry .” she whispered putting her head on his chest 
He simply lowered his head kissing the top of her head .
“ that won’t save you from your punishment .” he spoke sternly making her whimper

“ now let’s hurry.” He ordered his people making her flinch..

It was as usual a long journey, after few hours he decided to stop , tents were made in no time ..
She walked next to him in fright looking down “ will you hurt me ?” she whispered almost having a panic attack as she remembered the horror of the last time they travelled and the horrific things that happened to her in his tent. She fell down on her knees..
shaking in fear, she couldn’t blink .

“ y..you .. sniff .. will .” she shook like a leaf tears running down her cheeks 

He looked down at her , taking her between his arms as he entered his tent lowering her gently on the fur , he played with her hair massaging her scalp in the process .. “ shhh my baby , I won’t hurt you , you’ll get your punishment when we get home, relax , you’re fine my little .”he spoke pecking her lips several times..

“ I .. sniff.. I didn’t try to escape I swear .. sobb .. I just wanted to have a walk .. sobb .. I didn’t mean to disobey you your majesty. “ she cried out loud

“ I know you didn’t want to escape but you broke my rules , you went out without my permission and almost got yourself killed , that’s why you should be punished.” He spoke sternly yet still soothing her scalp
“now stay here I have work to do , don’t leave the tent , otherwise you won’t like the consequences little thing. “ she nodded trying wipe her tears like a toddler ..
He cared for her but he had to discipline her so she doesn’t put herself in danger or bring his honour to the ground .. she has his name now and she has to be well mannered and obedient she’s no more the commoner girl , she's now a Luna a queen and the alpha king’s mate and wife.. she has many responsibilities but he’d rather lock her in the safety of his room than let her handle them.

He left to work on a matter with his soldiers in another tent while maids brought her something to eat, she couldn’t bring herself to eat she just pulled her knees to her chest looking at everything and nothing .. she’s still scared of what he’s going to do to her .. the bloody images of the people he tortured earlier still on her mind.

“ your grace please eat something alpha king won’t be pleased…” spoke a maid who came to fetch the tray but instead found it untouched

“ I don’t want to .. “ she whispered
“ come on Luna, it’s your health please .”
“ I’m sorry but I really don’t want to eat anything.. please .” she whispered again
The maid felt her fear and distress so decided to retreat “ as you like Luna. “ she bowed and left

Eventually sleep took her.. when he came in he found her in a deep slumber  , then noticed the untouched tray .

He walked towards her shaking her slightly in order to wake her up , she slowly opened her eyes and flinched when she saw him ..

“ shh.. you are fine , I’m here love .” he tried calming her.. he put her on his lap , her legs between his .. “ now like a good girl you will eat your food, okay honey‼” he exclaimed trying to be as gentle as he could
She nodded her head looking at him cautiously
He started feeding her as if he is feeding his pup .. well indeed she was so much smaller and fragile and younger , as an immortal he was older than her by ages so she was literally his little , but he looked only few years older than her , he looked like a twenty nine years old while she was only nineteen ..

He kissed her head while she snuggled deep into him putting her little fist against his chest making his wolf growl in satisfaction..

In few minutes she finished her food at least as much as she could put in her little stomach, he made her lay on the fur and walked towards the entrance of the tent closing it “ rest , we're leaving in the morning. “ he spoke walking back towards her , he spooned her, his arm around her  waist he kissed her neck than the top of her head “ don’t be scared my love, relax .. I won’t hurt you. “ she felt so petite against his body if someone was behind him he wouldn’t see that there was a second person , “ last time you hurt me .. when you marked me ..” she whispered

“ that wasn’t supposed to be a punishment little thing, you got on my nerves and I had to put you in your place and show you that you’re mine . but even if I marked you in other circumstances even with your consent it would’ve hurt the same .” she turned to face him snuggling more into him if possible.
He smelt a mixture of need , admiration and fear, it smelt sweet yet sour .

He hugged her to himself, his hand going up and down her back until she relaxed and slept again .

In the morning they proceeded their trip , and it was an uneventful one until they reached the castle. 

Lycan King-Zanthus zayetzevWhere stories live. Discover now