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“ wren I’m leaving to see the mansion it won’t take too long okay love ?” he informed her
Making her blush “ yes alpha.” She responded smiling
“ my child lunch will be ready when you wake up , the maids are helping already .” spoke her grandmother.

As she lied down on her bed it was nothing like his for sure but she loves it , last time she slept on this bed she was still unmarried now she has a king as a husband and he will come lay next to her anytime .
She was tired she drifted to sleep ..
She woke up late the afternoon when her grandmother Maria came to wake her up

They sat for lunch together all four of them “ you slept well ?” asked her husband
She nodded “ I’m really hungry now .” she whined
“ young lady behave like a lady .”
“ come on mommy Maria he’s family now.” She giggled making him smile at what she said
“ you won’t change wren .” laughed her grandparents
“ Ay grandma did you make this ?” she asked
Her grandmother nodded
“ this is so delicious .. long time since I ate something like this .” she smiled smashing the food between her teeth, she looked at her mate “ I mean even the food in there is delicious but I prefer my grandma's. “ she smiled sheepishly

“ indeed I agree with you .” he nodded
As they finished maids cleaned the table and did the dishes ..
“ alpha king , want to go see my secret spot here ?” she asked cheerfully while he just nodded
She put her little hand in his and guided him out of the house towards a clear forest , it took them minutes to reach their destination.. she stopped at a river and sat down on a huge rock

“ here it is .. when I first came here , I didn’t like the place and I knew nobody other than my grandparents so when they scold me I ran over here. “ she smiled remembering

“ it’s a nice place, so calm .” he responded
They heard a noise which scared her .. suddenly a girl her age came out .. “ WREN.” She shouted
“Anna!” looked wren
She came hugging her tight “ I missed you wren .”
“ me too .” she hugged her back
“ this is my husband .” introduced wren “ and this is my childhood friend Anna .”

“ your majesty. “ kneeled Anna
“ Rise !”
Wren looked at him , he’s mean sometimes
“ thank you your majesty .”
“ wren how are you? “ added Anna
“ I’m fine how about you?!” asked wren
Zanthus smelt jealousy and hatred oozing out of the other girl making his glare
“ well I’m fine but not as good as you are as I see.” She smiled

“ wren let’s go baby girl , we have things to do, also I don’t want you two to meet as long as we’re here .” he addressed the other girl
“ b..but , your majesty .. what’s wrong with you , she’s my friend. “ spoke an angry wren
“ orders are orders mate , I don’t like repeating myself .” he dragged her towards the house leaving Anna there ..
She entered her grandparents house irritated , she walked towards her room banging the door behind her while he just sat in the living room
“ what happened your majesty.. what’s wrong with her ?” asked a concerned grandmother

“ she’s just angry I forbid her from seeing that Anna girl .” he responded to her question
“ your majesty I know you’re her husband but Anna is her childhood friend .” explained Maria

“ what I say will happen Mrs Medina that girl wants nothing good for my mate .” spoke Zanthus
She nodded understanding , “ Wren!” she called for her
“ Wren come here now .” she called once again but she ignored her
“ Wren .” he called his voice so deep she shivered in the other room
Opening the door she walked towards the living room carefully.. “ wren why did you ignore your grandmother?” he asked seriously
“ I didn’t , and why did you do that to Anna , she’s a sweet girl to me .”
“ don’t talk back young lady . he knows what’s good and what’s bad for you .” scolded her grandma
“ no he just doesn’t want me to have friends.. I don’t have friends even there in the castle .” she almost yelled
“  I didn’t raise you this way Wren .. I’m disappointed .”
Wren looked at both of them “ I’m …I’m sorry for what I did, my apologies I shouldn’t have behaved irrationally.. I just .. sniff .. she’s my friend .” she started crying

“ hey hey don’t cry , we forgive you , don’t let it happen again , but that Anna is a jealous little fox , you can become friends with the beta’s mate at least I know she would never think about hurting you .. be careful you know that I don’t forgive seconds. “ he petted her hair as she nodded looking at him with teary eyes

“ okay .” she whispered
“ now go wash your face kid .” smiled her grandmother , she obeyed
“ thank you for taking care of her , she’s still a kid , she’s oblivious to many things .”
“ she’s my mate Maria , I should take care of her and discipline her she’s a queen now, she has to be disciplined so she doesn’t get hurt .”

Maria smiled at him “ I can’t call you grandma for maybe I’m older than you by age, you know we are immortals and we stop aging at a certain age .”
She nodded “ I know , I used to have werewolf friends. “
“ i see .” he acknowledged

“ grandma I’m hungry again .” she whined
“ I prepared a snack for you , it’s on the kitchen’s table .” .. she hurried towards the kitchen

“ she doesn’t have such an appetite back home.. I’m surprised, usually I would make her eat as she’s unwilling .”
“ yeah she doesn’t like to eat food in new and strange places .”
“ she has to get used then ..”
“ indeed .”
Wren ate silently in the kitchen thinking about how could an alpha king sit in such a humble house and have conversation with her humble family .. it just doesn’t match ..

Meanwhile since she came back , she was the villagers’ talk .. some were envious , some pitied her and some wished they were in her place .

“ grandma let’s get dinner ready , it’s time. “
“ the maids and I will make it , you sit and take care of your husband”

“ okay …” she said hesitant
She sat next to him as her grandma left to the kitchen , she looked at him from the side as he smirked at her behaviour
“ you know that any other outburst you're getting punished right ? “ he whispered in her ear making her squirm
“ I’m behaving now .”
“ em I see .” his voice was so masculine , she couldn’t resist it
“ I’m leaving to see my soldiers and the mansion, do whatever you want but don’t go out .”
“ alpha this is my village I grew up here nothing would happen to me  .”
“ you’re a queen wren you can’t walk around aimlessly.  understood ?”
She nodded defeated

this is chapter is dedicated to Acafer

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