The Past, The Present, And The Future

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Hello again rebels! I've started yet another long OneShot, and tho I haven't finished it yet, I wanted to post what I had. This will probably have about three parts, so buckle up, grab your space bud, and read on!

"No, no, Ezra, you need to hold your lightsaber like this, not like that. Perfecting your angle is key to every battle." Kanan, seeing through the force, walks the few feet distance over to Ezra, and he slightly turns the saber in the teens hands. Ezra huffs, frustrated that his blind master was still somehow better at deflecting blaster shots than he was.

Kanan felt his padawns dissension but said nothing about it. Now was not the time. He would wait until later, and see if he could get an honest answer. Kanan had learned over the years that Ezra had a way of avoiding answering questions until he was fully ready to answer them. And if the answer was what Kanan thought it would was definitely not the time.

Zeb, Sabine and Chopper stood a good distance away, blasters pointed at Ezra, waiting for Kanan for step back and give the signal. A slight breeze was in the air, blowing the dusty Lothal earth in artistic little swirls. Not too far away sat a Loth cat, sunning itself with the last hour of the suns rays, unafraid of the humans nearby.

Kanan stepped back and lit his saber, the signal the others were waiting for. Immediately the sound of blasters firing filled the air, bolts set to stun racing toward the two Jedi. Both begin deflecting them as best they could towards the two cups roughly 30' away. Ezra aimed for the blue one, Kanan the green.

60 seconds of shooting later, Kanan whistles, and the shooting ceases. Sabine spins her blasters and slips them into their holsters, while Zeb proudly leans his gun on his shoulder, smirking.

"Kid, weren't you supposed to Hit the cup? Looks like you didn't get the memo, bahaha!!" Ezra saw with rising resentment that the Lasat wasn't wrong. The blue cup had only one or two scratches, whereas the green cup was now black and smoking. Ezra turns and looks at his master with jealous admiration.

"Kanan you must've hit at least two out of every three shots! How do you do it?" He asked, his question coming out more hopeless than he wanted. Kanan hooks his lightsaber on his belt as the two walk towards the cup.

He picks up his cup and it disintegrates in his hand as he speaks. "Practice. I practice, every day Ezra. And do you know what else I do? I focus. I focus on the force, on my blade, and on the blaster bolts. That's it. If you would do the same, you might someday succeed."

Ezra furrowed his brow. "Practice? Focus? Kanan, I do both of those, all the time! And I've been doing them, for a long time. How much more do I need?" Folding his arms defensively, he expected Kanan to just sigh and walk away.

Instead, Kanan stiffens his shoulders and turns to face him fully. "No, you have not been practicing, and you are certainly not focused." Ezra tried to butt in. "But-" "No. Don't 'but' me, Ezra. We both know that by 'practicing,' you mean you might ignite your saber and swing it around when you're cleaning it, and by 'focused,' you mean you're focused, not on being here, but on disappearing into the rocks when you're done washing the Phantom, or shopping at the market, or pranking a bucket head." Kanan pokes Ezras chest at each accusation. He then puts his hand on the boys shoulder.

"You need to be with us, Ezra. Practicing. Focusing." Kanan looks ready to say more, but he stops abruptly and pulls his hand back. Turning around, he walks away, disappearing into the Ghost. Zeb looks from Ezra to Kanan, then follows the Jedi Knight. Chopper goes beeping after him.

Only Sabine is left, standing in between Ezra and the Ghost. She turns towards the Ghost and hesitates, then looks back at Ezra. His face was an open book of raw emotion, and she knew she saw much more than he wished to reveal. Against her own will, her feet start walking towards him.

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