Force Sight - part 7

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Hera inhaled deeply, then she sent the clearance codes they so needed to work. The crew held their breath and worked on their patience.

Over the speaker came, "...your clearance codes check out. Dock in bay 378RK." Everyone cheered and hugged each other.

"Ha, told ya," Sabine said, smiling, hand on her hip.

"I knew it would work." Ezra stated confidently. Sabine slapped him.

"You did not! You said you thought there was a 32% chance it would work." Ezra threw his hands up.

"Your right, your right, please don't kill me!" Zeb laughed, and Sabine turned on him.

"Why are you laughing, Garazeb? I don't recall you having much faith in Hera either." Zeb gulped at the look in her sightless eyes. Hera decided it was time to intervene.

She docked the ship while they were arguing, then turned to them.

"Alright, we're here, you can stop now. Sabine, I want you to take my seat, Zeb, I want you in the upper cannon, watching to make sure no one gets suspicious. Kanan, Ezra, your with me. Let's go people!" Zeb and Hera left immediately. Ezra grabbed Sabines hand, and she could see herself. For a moment, she could feel Ezra's worry about her, and his ever present, if buried, anger that she wasn't in the fight with him. She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back.

"I'll be fine," she whispered. "Don't worry." His eyes widened, and then he smiled.

"I just wish you could be with me."

"But I'm not. It's better this way. Go, do your thing." She faked a smile, and Ezra responded the same way. They both knew those were fake words.

But just then Kanan grabbed Ezra, and he let go of Sabines hand and the men left. Sabine listened as they left, and heard the shouting and shooting that followed. She only hoped they could get the person they were looking for safely.


Ezra deflected the bullets with ease. He was very mad Sabine wasn't at his side, but Hera was doing a pretty good job too, so he tried to concentrate on the job at hand. He deflected a few lasers back at the stormtroopers, and then made a mad dash to the blast door. He quickly got it open, and yelled at Hera and Kanan to get in.

Hera came in, and then Kanan came right behind her, still deflecting shots even as the door was closing. He then sliced the controls, locking the door, and the three were off.

Ezra led the way, running down the dead gray halls, lightsaber ignited.

"Hera, what level was the commander on?"

Hera replies, "Level 4B, cell block 57."

"Got it!" And the three ran faster.

They made it to an elevated without running into any troopers. They jumped in and pressed the buttons to go up. Kanan spoke while yet waited.

"I don't like the lack of troopers out there." Ezra nodded.

"I agree, it's just not right." Hera looked confused.

"Isn't it good that we didn't encounter anyone?" Kanan shook his head.

"No," he said, "It's protocol to always have troopers on every floor. The fact that there wasn't any means that a different protocol is in effect, which means nothing good for us." Hera nodded.

"Right, I knew that. Sorry I asked." Kanan turned and placed his hands on her shoulders. He spoke softly, deeply.

"Don't ever be sorry to ask questions in this scenario. It's very important to know everything possible, and if that means you need to ask a question, then please don't hesitate to ask it." Hera smiled at her knight and placed her hand on his. Ezra felt like he was intruding and he tried not to move and distract them.

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