Force Sight - part 3

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Sabine felt her world crash around her. She started breathing heavy; her pupils dilated.

"Easy Sabine," Hera said alarmed. "It's ok, breath Sabine, breath!"

"I'm blind," she whispered. Then she preceded to faint.

"Sabine!" Hera and Zeb said simultaneously. Hera quickly grabbed the teen before she fell off the bed, and laid her gently down. She turned to Zeb.

"Zeb, quick, get some smelling salts, in the blue cabinet." He complied and grabbed a handful of the tiny bags, then ran back to Hera. He dumped them on the bed, then grinned sheepishly at Hera's 'really' frown.

Hera shook her head and grabbed one of the bags, opened it, and passed it under Sabine's nose. It took a few tries, but she eventually woke, and immediately sat up. She blinked her eyes, and Hera held her steady so nothing happened.

Sabine squinted and looked at Hera, then Zeb. Then she looked at Hera, tears in her eyes.

"I'm really blind?" Hera nodded, then inwardly facepalmed, realizing Sabine couldn't see; duh. She shook her head.

"Yes Sabine. I'm so sorry. It-" Sabine threw herself on Hera, sobbing more than Hera had ever seen her. Hera held the girl though and comforted her as best she could.

Zeb, seeing he could do nothing, slowly backed unnoticed out of the room. Much as he wanted to join the hug, he knew it wasn't his place. His hand lingered on the handle, then he let go, and lightly walked away.

Sabine sniffed, then pulled back.

"I'm so sorry Hera," She began. Then Hera said, "No no, it's fine Sabine, it's good that you let it out. Crying is good for you right now." The girl nodded and sniffed.

All she could think of was that she would never see her 'family' again. She would never see Hera's beautiful smile when she did something right. Never again see Zeb's grin when he got the perfect shot. Never see Kanan's graceful moves when he fought. And most of all she would never see Ezra again. She would never get to see his head bobbing like an excited little girl, never see his look of pride when Kanan complemented him. She sniffed.

She looked off into space, and waved her hand in front on her. Frowning sadly, she tried again, this time closer. Hera couldn't help but feel her heart break as she watched. Sabine sniffed, and tried one last time, bringing her hand a breath away from her face. Fingers apart, moving slowly, Sabine saw nothing. She put her head in her hands, squeezing her eyes shut. For she realized that she really was blind. And she wasn't sure if she could take it.

But then she frowned and pulled her hands away. She looked in the direction of Hera breathing.

"So when exactly did I go blind? Like right after I woke up?" Hera looked at Sabine confused.

"No, you were blinded the moment you were struck." Sabine tilted her head slightly. Her heart beat monitor beeped steadily in the background as she thought of what she was going to say.

"But Hera," She said. "I know; um, this might sound weird, but when I first woke up, it was like..." She heaved a sigh, frowning deeply, searching for the words.

"It was like I was out of my body, looking at me on the bed, this bed. I could see for a quick second when I first woke up. Is that weird or," She looked to get space mom for help.

Hera frowned and fell into deep thought. Both girls were in deep thought, thinking of what, if anything, they could figure out about this. Without moving, Hera spoke.

"Maybe you were diagnosed blind by the med droid, but your body didn't really react to it until the moment after you woke up. That's the best I can come up with right now." Sabine nodded, entirely unsatisfied with her answer but willing to accept it for the time being.

"Where are the boys?" She questioned Hera.

"Some of our people ran into trouble in a supply run and needed their help. They'll be fine." Hera looked around the small white room and noticed something.

"Aaand, it looks like Zeb left. Hm, I didn't even notice. Nice job Orrelios," Hera murmured under her breath. Sabine yawned.

"I think I'll catch some z's if you don't mind Hera. Thanks for talking." Hera smiled.

"Your welcome." She removed her comm. and handed to to Sabine. "Call me on that if you need me, ok?" Sabine nodded, then hugged Hera.

"Thanks," she whispered in her ear.
Hera smiled gently.

"Your welcome." Then she stood up and left.

Sabine waited until she was sure Hera was gone, then she rolled out of bed. She pulled the iv's out of her arms and stood. She didn't move for a second, letting her equilibrium settle down, then with her hands on two points of contact, she took a step. Grinning that she didn't die, she took another.

"Phew," she breathed, grateful she could walk on her own. She took another step, and then another. She laughed a little, and then tried to challenge herself.

She pictured where she was and where the door was, about seven steps away. She inhaled, than pulled her hands to her sides. She put one foot in front of the other, until her nose gently brushed the door. Grinning in glee, she jumped up and down, laughing.

Then she accidentally jumped into a cart, and she fell hard, landing flat on her back.

"Oww..." she breathed, the wind knocked out of her. After a few seconds she managed to get up and hobble to her bed. She pulled back the covers and dived under them.

Then, it felt like someone bumped the thermometer up or something, because Sabine felt a wave of heat and she began sweating profusely.

"What in Lothal?" She whispered to herself, wiping the sweat from
her brow. Then, right after, even though she was in bed, her leg felt like she had scraped it against something! It startled her so much she jumped and yelled "Ow!"

Gingerly, she pulled back the covers, wondering what was so sharp in her bed. She noticed as she did this that the heat seemed to go back down to normal.

When the covers were completely off and she sat there in her jumpsuit, she was completely bewildered. There wasn't a sharp thing she could feel. She moved her hand all along the bed, but nothing. She could still feel where she 'scratched' herself on her leg too.

"Ok," she said to herself. She rummaged around until she found the covers and pulled them back on. Then she laid down. "Diagnosis; I'm going crazy. I need sleep. Good night all." She turned over and got comfy.

Then she rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Yup, I'm going crazy. I literally just said goodnight to myself." She sighed again, then fell asleep.

Ok, part 3 is up!! Hope you enjoyed! Any guesses what's going to go down in part 4??
Have a great day, and thanks for reading!!


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