'Just a Friend' Part 3

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Sabine woke and stretched, then told herself 'today is going to be a good day,' like she always did. She planted a smile on her face as she pulled her boots on.

Then her smile deflated as she remembered what she had overheard last night. Unbeknowst to Ezra and Ashton, she had been fully awake when Ezra had 'dropped' Ashton off. Sabine looked at the top bunk and sure enough, the blanket was misplaced and the pillow indented. She could also detect a faint whiff of . . . whatever streetrats smell like. Dirt.

She wrinkled her nose and punched the wall, unexplainably frustrated, and for some reason on the verge of tears. She had no idea why, but it felt good to get some of it out. She punched the wall a few more times, until she cut her hand.

"OW!" she yelled. Removing her glove, she saw blood already dripping down her knuckle. Sabine groaned. They was going to be hard to explain to mama Hera. She put her knuckle in her mouth and began looking for bandages, ignoring the emotional tears running freely down her face.

A few minutes later she emerged from her room, headed straight for the kitchen. As soon as they saw her, Kanan and Zeb knew to stay away from the Mando. They had seen her emotional before. They knew to give her room.

*switching to first person: Sabine*

"Hey Hera?" I called after brunch. I was able to keep my voice neutral only from years of expierence.

"Yes Sabine? I'm over here," Hera called from her room. I walked over and peeked in.

"Is their anything you need me to do?" I asked, simply of of politeness and the fact that I did this often.

Hera furrowed her brow, and just when I thought the coast was clear, she snapped her fingers.

"You know what Sabine, I would love it if you would clean the Phantom for me. I was going to, but but I have so much other work right now . . . "

I smiled on the outside and nodded, not trusting myself to say anything.

Clean the Phantom?! That would take hours! I inwardly groaned, but kept the smile on my face as I headed off to 'work'.


I was right. It had taken hours. All morning and afternoon! A whole day, wasted. C'mon Kanan, did you have to take it through that dust storm? The stuff clogs everything. Blah.

By the time I wiped my brow for the final time, the sun had begun to set! I quickly put my tools away, yelled I was done, and took a walk.

Now, let me tell you, Lothal is truly a beautiful place at sunset. Today though, it was especially beautiful for some reason. I sighed as I leaned up against a tree. The colors in the sky were so vibrant; it was actually romantic. I unconsciously though of Ezra.

Before I could go anywhere with that thought though, I heard something. Voices.

I quickly ran and hid behind a rock, my heart pounding. 'Who else even knew about this place?' I wondered. Slowly, as the voices grew louder, I peeked over the side of the rock to see . . .

(Guess who)

(Heehee . . . X)


. . . Ezra and Ashton, hand in sweet hand, laughing, giggling, smiling. I watched them, with steam coming out of my ears, as the two leaned up against the same tree I was just a minute earlier.


Ezra laughed. He put his arm over Ashtons shoulder as they sat, and Ashton put her arm behind his back.

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